The deputies voted on the macro-framework of the state budget for 2025 on second reading, BTA reported.
The text with the provisions of Article One was voted on after the adoption of the transitional and final provisions of the State Budget Act for 2025 and was supported by 138 deputies, 78 were "against", and two – "abstained". According to the adopted texts of the State Budget Act for 2025 no tax increases are planned and a deficit of 3% of GDP is planned.
The planned revenues, grants and donations under the state budget amount to 55,168,380,900 leva, the expenses are 30,803,920,300 leva. Budgetary relations (transfers) - net, amount to 29,476,565,700 leva. Of these, 8,925,909,100 leva are planned for municipalities, 12,173,500,700 leva for the State Social Insurance Fund, and 3,700,837,000 leva for the National Health Insurance Fund.
For 2025 the contribution to the general budget of the European Union is planned to be 2,020,542,300 leva.
The budget balance of the state budget is proposed to be in deficit of 7,132,647,400 leva and, accordingly, the operations in the part of financing the budget balance are in the same amount. The deficit was voted separately with 152 votes "for", 58 "against" and two "abstains".
The amount of new debt that the state can assume this year amounts to 18.9 billion leva, with the state debt expected to reach 61.7 billion leva or 26.6 percent of GDP.
The minimum amount of the fiscal reserve as of 31.12.2025 is planned to remain unchanged compared to the budget for last year in the amount of 4.5 billion BGN.
In the budget of the judiciary, revenues, grants and donations amount to 152,000,000 BGN. Expenditures amount to 1,338,306,600 BGN. The transfer from the state budget amounts to 1,214,306,600 BGN.
The voted texts determine the budget expenditures of the judicial authorities as follows: for the Supreme Judicial Council in the amount of 84,532,500 BGN, for the Supreme Court of Cassation - 34,560,000 BGN, for the Supreme Administrative Court - 42,937,100 BGN. The budget expenditures for the Prosecutor's Office are 492,157,500 leva, and for the courts in the country in total - 705,848,400 leva.
The deputies also voted on the texts related to the budgets of the National Assembly, the Council of Ministers and the Presidency. The budget of the Council of Ministers also includes funds for the Rila Monastery - 600,000 leva, for the Troyan and Bachkovo monasteries for 2025, 200,000 leva each have been set aside, and for the Bulgarian Orthodox Church communities abroad, the funds amount to 919,500 leva.