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Another radioactive tile was found

Georgi Kulov from Karlovo was looking for a buyer because he needed money

Sep 22, 2024 17:02 60

Another radioactive tile was found  - 1

Another radioactive tile was found on Friday evening by DANS employees. She was hidden in a brick of a fence, bTV learned.

There is already a third accused in the investigation into illegal trafficking of the dangerous radioactive isotope Americium 241.

One of the traffickers kept the tiles on his property for years, not knowing they were dangerous, according to the detainees' lawyers. According to another detainee, who is a car rental dealer by profession, one tile was given to him by an acquaintance for storage with the explanation that it was a special metal.

Georgi Kulov from Karlovo kept the tiles in his property. He knew they cost a lot, but he didn't realize they were radioactive. He went looking for buyers because he needed money.

Georgi is actually a breeder by profession, convicted but rehabilitated.

The three lawyers of the detainees requested a 30-minute adjournment from the court in order to familiarize themselves with the case materials.

At the moment, the Plovdiv District Court is looking at the permanent measures to keep the three arrested for storing dangerous radioactive plates.

The prosecutor in the case explained to bTV that during the interrogations, the three detainees named a man from Sopot, who years ago gave them the radioactive plates for safekeeping.

During the investigation and search for this person, it turned out that the man from Sopot was convicted in 2009 for the possession of Americium 241. However, the man died in 2018.

The three detainees knew each other.