The cause of death of Daniel Kiskinov, who died after being arrested in Kazanlak, is a severe combined chest and abdominal trauma. This is indicated by the forensic medical examination, reports bTV.
The man suffered dozens of injuries, including contusions of both chest halves, contusions and rupture of both lungs, the presence of blood and air in both pleural cavities; rupture of the liver, hemorrhages in the fat capsule of the right kidney, blood collection in the abdominal cavity; fracture of both horns of the larynx with hemorrhages in the soft tissues, as well as in the soft skull; lacerated-contused wound on the right eyebrow, abrasions and hemorrhages on the face and upper and lower limbs.
Injection punctures were also found on both of Daniel's hands. Blood was taken to determine Daniel's alcohol content and narcotics, the results of which are still unclear. The described traumatic injuries were caused by the action of hard objects by the mechanism of impact and pressure, experts are categorical.
The 47-year-old man died after arrest at the Emergency Medical Center in Kazanlak, where he was taken for a medical examination. At the moment, there is indisputable evidence that two police officers exceeded their powers by using force during the arrest. A third person has been called as a witness in the case.
On March 13, the Stara Zagora District Court ruled on the two police officers the most severe measure of restraint - "detention in custody".