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The blood from which are the wolves

Bulgarian reading of the famous ox inscription on "Accetta Satricum", Italy

Май 11, 2024 14:13 215


The mysterious epigraphic monument known as the "Accetta Satricum" perhaps he has finally found his adequate reading. "Accetta Satricum" is a miniature lead ritual hatchet with a short inscription scrawled on it - possibly the only ancient text written in the Volcanic language in the Volcanic script to survive. It was found in a grave in the necropolis of the Volcanic city of Satricum, which was destroyed by the Romans and today represents an extensive archaeological site in the Lazio region, not far from Rome.

I have written many times about the Vols, a valiant Italian people, about whom many ancient writers such as Diodorus Siculus, Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Titus Livius, Virgil Maron have left us information. Virgil sings of the Ox heroine Camilla, who died in battle against Aeneas as an ally of the Rutulian king Turnus, and briefly describes the wanderings of her father, the Ox king Metabs, exiled from his capital Privernum. The lines dedicated to the warrior father and daughter are some of the most dramatic in the Aeneid. I will not repeat what I have already reported about this proud nation in my book "Peak Bulgaria". and in a number of articles published in periodicals and electronic media.

I will highlight only the most important - in my opinion, the Volskii bear our Bulgarian ethnonym and I translate the name of their people as "wolves", "warriors". I deduce the origin of the name of the city of Satrikum from the concept of "Kshatriyas". - warriors. The closeness with the Bulgarian ethnic group is also evident from the names of many other of their settlements - Poluska (Pliska?), Mugila, Ardea (Arda), as well as from the name of the already mentioned city of Privernum (At the top?) and the Amazeno river flowing through Metab's possessions ( Amazon, the Thracian origin of the Amazons has been proven by many ancient chroniclers).

An important element in view of the further exposition is the very close proximity of the Volks with the Etruscans - in fact they are part of the Etruscans, who, according to Herodotus, are immigrants from Lydia, Anatolia, a territory entirely inhabited by peoples from the Thracian block, some of which can be directly characterized as Bulgarians - for example, the Trojans (Tevkri), the Lycians, the Phrygians. The proximity of the Volks to the Etruscans was earlier shyly acknowledged by some Italian researchers, but now there is silence on this matter. For me, however, it is an indisputable fact and I build my reading of "Accetta Satricum" on it.

First of all, when the Volks moved to the Italian peninsula, they were received peacefully by the Etruscans. The mighty nation of the Tyrrhenians would never admit an influx of settlers into its bowels, into the heart of Etruria, unless these settlers belonged to its own ethnic group. Similar is the case with the Bulgarians' peaceful acceptance of Kanas Asparuh by the Slavic peoples, which can only be explained by ethnic kinship and even identity. The names of the emblematic Etruscan cities Volterra - literally the land of the volks (wolves) and Volsinii - literally "Sons of the volks", center of the cult of the god Voltumna, whose nickname comes from "wolf", speak of the presence of oxen in the fabric of Tuscany. as well as the name of Lake Bolsena - Lago Volsiniensis.

Volsinii is the name of the city in Latin, and in Etruscan it is Velsuna, which I translate as Валчуна - Валчуня - "wolf litter", literally "sons, clan of the ox/wolves". If we agree with the recently generally accepted thesis of the Italian historiography about the autochthonousness of the Volks and their belonging to the oldest population of the peninsula, called by historians "Oskies", then the question arises about the ethnicity of the "Oskies" themselves. In my opinion, this mysterious concept should be forever rejected by Italian researchers and the people in question should be called by their real name - Pelasgians.

Why do I think the "Axis" in question, shrouded in mystery and ignorance, are actually the Pelasgians? Because under the controversial name "axles" in fact, the people named by the Basques "Euskara" - old people, ancestors - the name of the Basque language is the same - language of the old, the previous ones. This is where the Turkish word "eski" comes from, borrowed from the Anatolian peoples. The same ancestors who also founded Uskudama - literally "home", the city of the ancestors (see my article "Uskudama and Edirne").

These ancestors, a connecting link with the antediluvian civilization, are clearly called by the ancient authors "pelasgi" and it was they who populated the entire Mediterranean with its continental hinterland. In Italy, the Pelasgians were called Auzoni (growing the vine) and Enotri (making wine) - after Enotor, son of Lycaon, son of Pelasgus, who lived in the Balkans. By the name of Ital - son of Enotar,

The Apennine peninsula began to be called Italian, and its inhabitants Italians and Morgeti - from Morget, son of Italus. All of them are direct descendants of the Pelasgians, as are the Bulgarians - and also the oxen, according to the mentioned theory. Some of the names of the ox cities are a direct reference to the Vedic era and the Sanskrit language - Satya, Anksur, as well as Satrikum itself.

As a basis for reading the bull inscription on "Accetta Satricum" - diminutive of ascia ax (lat.) - I used the Etruscan alphabet in its "newer" variant. As we shall see, only one letter differs from the Etruscan script. Unfortunately, I have not seen the original object, but am working on the rare photos of it available on Google, which is a serious obstacle to a correct reading.

Nowhere have I found any information about the gender of the person in whose grave the "Accetta Satricum" was found, and this is important for deciphering the text. Despite these a priori shortcomings of my research, I believe that I have revealed the meaning of the text and mainly - its Bulgarian character. Because I translate the inscription through the Bulgarian language, an ancient variant of which was spoken by the Pelasgians and the Lydians.

The inscription on the funeral hatchet consists - as far as I can tell - of ten letters. The first five form an expression, and the second five are separated from the first by punctuation marks - dots in a vertical row, the number and meaning of which I will note in the course of the explanations. The first two letters of the second five characters are separated from each other and from the remaining three by a punctuation mark - dots in a vertical row.

And the last three of the second five, and the last of the inscription altogether, end with an even greater number of dots arranged vertically and a final dot after them, marking the end of the text. Since Etruscan is characterized by both left-to-right and right-to-left reading, the reading direction of each individual inscription depends on the orientation of letters such as K. In this case, K is oriented from left to right, and so is my reading direction.

How do I decipher the expression formed by the first five letters?

The first letter, I think is I, as I don't see the tiny horizontal lines at the base and top that would indicate it is a Z. Identifying the next character is made difficult by the defect on the hatchet itself - a broken piece of it, which affects the lower part of the letter, and it cannot be said with certainty whether it is an E or an F.

If we assume that the second letter represents E, then the letter combination IE could be interpreted as Я - personal pronoun of direct object, feminine gender, short form. If the letter with broken integrity is F, which in the older versions of the Etruscan alphabet was pronounced as waw, and in the newer ones it is sometimes read as V, the letter combination IV strongly resembles the Kurdish personal pronoun EW - "he, she, it" . The Kurdish language is Indo-European and is the successor of the ancient Anatolian languages.

I assume that in ancient times this pronoun also meant "him, him" - personal pronoun for direct object, masculine. Moreover, it is very close to the Russian pronoun "ego", which is pronounced as "evo", and the latest historical studies are categorical that Thracians (respectively Lydians) and Slavs are the same ethnic group. I myself have revealed that "Slavs" is not an ethnic, but a religious concept (see my article "Bulgarian, Thracian and Aramaic sun") and means "sun worshipers".

But despite the possibility that the first two letters could be interpreted as pronouns, I am more inclined to accept that they - whether IE, IF or IV - represent a prefix that enhances the meaning of the word written with the next three letters from the first five of the inscription.

So, after the initial two letters, the remaining three characters follow without space. The first of these is K, the second resembles F, but its horizontal lines are much more inclined, and the third character is a rectangle divided into four by a vertical and horizontal line, which in the Etruscan alphabet means the sound TH. I interpret the strange F with overly inclined horizontal elements like the Bulgarian У or Э - and this written sign apparently turns out to be typically Volsian. It is missing in the newer version of the Etruscan alphabet.

I count the word formed by the indicated three letters (the last three of the first five characters in the inscription) as

KUTH - ANGLE or ANGLE. Here, in this word is contained the main meaning of the message!

And this is an amazing discovery!

According to the "Mythological Library" of Apollodorus, Cotus is the name of one of the three Hecatoncheira, sons of Uranus and Gaia, the first beings who inhabited the earth, before the Titans were born from the marriage of their parents. These mighty giants were so dangerous that their own father Uranus later had to imprison them in Tartarus.

In his article "Kot, Kotis, Kotrag, Kutriguri, Utiguri, Skat river - meaning of the names and concepts", included in my book "Atlantis and Giants", ed. 2023. , I decipher the name Kot (respectively Kotis and Kotrag - Kot-rex) as the Bulgarian КУТ ( КУТ ). But what would Cutt say? My reading of this iconic name and all the names derived from it is DEFENDER, GUARDIAN - from "to cut", guard, pick.

"KATAM" - pick, keep - is an ancient Bulgarian verb of Pelasgian and antediluvian origin - since Cat is one of the three primordial beings born from Heaven and Earth. The name of his brother Briareus I translate as "primary", because its direct meaning is "pria" - "stone" in Pelasgian, Sanskrit and Avestan - the primary earth element.

The Latin verb CUDO means "to beat", "to strike", "to knock", "forge", "to chop" (suitable for inscription on the axe), but also "harvest". In Latin the word "shield" is SCUTUM, in Italian - SCUDO. The similarity and even identity with ANGLE - ANGLE is obvious. The Italian verb ACCUDIRE is interesting - I keep, I take care.

Therefore the first five letters of the inscription on the lead burial hatchet, I read as IECUTH or IVCUTH - GUARD HER/HIM, DEFEND HER/HIM! - in case the letter combination IE/IF is taken as a feminine or masculine pronoun placed before the verb. If it is a prefix to the verb "KATAM", then the expression can be interpreted as ZA-KATAY! FOR-GUARD!, FROM-DEFEND! It is about an order addressed to the ritual hatchet - to defend the dead!

There is some small possibility that the first two letters of the expression, which I read as IE or IF, according to the Etruscan alphabet, are actually read as ZE, according to the Volcanic, which I do not know and which has not come down to us . In such a case, the whole expression should be translated as ZEKUTH - FOR DEFENSE, FOR PROTECTION - in the difficult path to the next world. In this case I take ZE for the preposition ZA.

After the initial five letters follow four dots in a vertical line, which I understand as a punctuation mark - the end of the first expression. Some other text begins, the first two letters of which - K and E - are also separated from each other by four dots in a vertical row. Separately, a point is noted next to K, which in my "New reading of the Thracian inscription on the ring from Ezerovo" I explain as a sign of repetition of the same letter - in this case K.

The letter combination K K E is obtained (with the second K separated from the E by four dots), which I believe to be the initials of the deceased or a ritual funeral formula. It is also separated from the last expression in the inscription on the ax by three dots in a vertical row.

This last expression visually looks like IEI - with the two letters I before and after the E being very curved and could be interpreted as a Z.

That is why I see in this expression the prototype of ZIEZI - the emblematic code of Bulgarian and ox blood! I explain the expression ZIEZI as "blood" in his article "The Mysterious Meaning of the Word Zion".

And immediately the words from the Anonymous Roman Chronograph flash into my mind - "ZIEZI EX QVO VULGARES" - The blood from which the wolves are - Volsky and Bulgarian!

Five vertical dots follow and a closing dot after them - like a gong strike - with which the author of the inscription announced its finale.

But the real life of the message of the ancient Volsk, buried in Satrikum, begins only now - with its reading in Bulgaria. At home.