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One more time for Ziezi and that's it! For now

I have to return you again to the infamous "Thracian ancestor of the Bulgarians"

Май 27, 2024 11:53 146

Alas, long-suffering Bulgarian viewer of pseudo-historical clips! I have to take you back to the infamous Ziesi - "the Thracian ancestor of the Bulgarians", because stupidity and ignorance have no brakes.

Here we are again at the starting point that gave rise to the controversy surrounding "Ziezi", and this is the phrase in the Roman anonymous chronograph from 354. QVO VULGARES", announced as the first mention of the ethnonym "Bulgarians" in a written memorial.

The question of whether this phrase was part of the original content of the chronograph or was added later is beyond the scope of this article. In this case, I am not even interested in the reasons why the Vulgares were counted among the descendants of Sem - was this done unintentionally or consciously (I have my own idea on this matter, which I will present later). Specifically, in the present text, it is important for me whether the term "Ziezi" - "ancestor" or something else - it really existed in some form in antiquity, or the chronicler (respectively the author of the note) sucked it out of his fingers. Or misspelled it, meaning some other word.

And so, friends and opponents, I am honored to state that the term "ziezi" it really existed in the deep Volcanic and Etruscan antiquity, and it is indeed related to the Bulgarians, but it is not the name of an imaginary "Thracian ancestor", but a blood, ancestral code, which is repeated in at least two places in epigraphic monuments from the Volcanic city of Satrikum (some "researchers" previously called this archaeological site "Satrianum" and imagined that life was still flourishing in it in the 20th century - yikes! ).

The code IEI, which I read as ZIEZI, is visible in the last three letters of the inscription in the Volcanic language in the Volcanic script on the Accetta Satricum, whose own reading I have already offered to the Bulgarian reader. However, it is also clearly distinguishable on another epigraphic monument from Satrikum - the so-called Lapis Satricanus. This is an epitaph on a yellow stone, which has had several similar interpretations by specialists, and I believe that its contents have now been generally revealed:


"The companions of Publius Valerius placed (in the name of) Mars".

What still continues to trouble linguists are the three letter signs - IEI - at the beginning of the inscription. Right here, a piece of the stone has been broken off (one wonders on purpose or by the will of evil fate), but the letters IEI are still clearly visible. Some interpret them as the expression "of him" (they are similar in sound to the Latin eius), others see in them the demonstrative pronoun "this", and still others declare them to be the ending of an unknown word, which is almost entirely lost due to the tarnished piece on which it was written.

If, however, the pronouns "this" or "him" ( "of him" ) may make sense in the inscription on the Lapis Satricanus, then in the one on the Accetta Satricum, ending with the letter combination IEI, such pronouns are nonsense.

But the fact is the fact - on two different relics from Satricum the characters IEI are written together. This is hardly accidental.

I decipher the letter combination in question as a formula for "lineage and blood", which probably often appeared on the tombstones of the Volksians and was a sign of their blood community. I substantiate this assumption of mine in my article "The Secret of the Word Zion" published in "The Word Today" (SBP authority) and on some electronic sites. I remind you that the term Zion, Sion is pre-Jewish - that's the name of the Amorite king of Eshebon, attested in the Pentateuch.

Zi is an ancient concept related to "blood". The Italian word zio means "uncle" - "relative", "native blood". We have assumed that the kinship terminology in the modern Bulgarian language is a legacy of the ancient Bulgarians - isn't that right? In almost every article of mine, I provide new evidence for the proximity of Volks, Etruscans and Bulgarians. That is why I think that the formula IEI ( Ziezi ), which refers to the Volks, also represents a Bulgarian kinship and blood code.

I hope that someone will not spread the news that "the great Thracian ancestor of the Bulgarians" he was actually called Chichi - from "chicho"! But who knows - sometimes we joke, and our jokes turn out to be ... truth.

And one more thing - for the information of fake "connoisseurs" in the Etruscan language. "Mamertius" does not mean Mamarchev, but Mars.

That is where the name of the Mamertina prison comes from, where high-ranking prisoners of war and state criminals were imprisoned. Another issue is that the Bulgarian surname Mamarchev really comes from the Ox name of the god Mars, and this is another proof of the blood relationship between the two ancient peoples.