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The Bulgarian name of Tiber - the river that flows through the Eternal City

Through language, we once again got to a truth that the highly politicized science of history would have hidden from us for a long time

Jun 5, 2024 15:16 379

For a long time I was looking for parallels between the name of the river Tiber - Tiberis in Latin - and the names Iberia or Siberia (as in Latin languages it is called Siberia). But these days, as I re-read "Historical Library" of my favorite ancient author, Diodorus Siculus, she, for once, threw the true interpretation of the riddle into my hands. In just one sentence!

This is what we read in the fragmentary Book 7, some parts of which were written by other authors according to Diodorus Siculus. Fragment 5, Ch. 3, reads:

"­His (Aeneas, MV) son Askas­nius, who inherited power, founded Alba, now called Longa (long, MV), giving the city the name of the river, which was then called Alba, and is now called Tiber."

The old name of the Tiber is Alba, and the city of Alba was built lengthwise along the course of the river and was therefore called Alba Longa - on the same principle by which the modern Italian names are formed Lungotevere - a riverside boulevard in Rome along the course of Tiber and Lungomare - coastal boulevard or street.

Albus means "white, bright" in Latin. In fact, Alba directly derives from the word Bala (White), through an inversion of syllables known in linguistics. I thought about it - is the meaning of the name Tiber - Tiberis or THYBRIS, as it was originally spelled, not unsuspectingly close to "white, white"?

And here is the answer to the riddle:

THYBRUS can only mean TZIBRUS in Bulgarian. Whether we will connect this name with the language of the Etruscans or the Trojans (Tevkri, Dardani) is a matter of further research, but in any case it originates from the Bulgarian vocabulary, because the gene of the listed peoples is Thracian, Bulgarian. Rivers with the names Tsibar and Tsibritsa still exist today in Northwest Bulgaria, in the Montan region. The name Tsibar comes from "smart", a word that is still used by the older Bulgarian generations, especially in the countryside. The verb "iscibryam ( se )" means "clarify ( myself )", "clear", "brighten".

This is how, through language, we once again got to a truth that the highly politicized science of history would have hidden from us for a long time.

Some chroniclers believe that the river Tiber gets its name from that of Tiberinus - one of the kings of Alba. But the logic of reasoning rejects such an assumption. The fact that ALBA and THIBRUS are synonyms meaning "BRIGHT, BRIGHT" speaks of continuity in the names of the river.

It is much more likely that the name of King Tiberinus is derived from the Tiber than the other way around.