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Midsummer Day: What are the customs and beliefs about the holiday?

Everything we need to know about the traditions of one of the most significant and magical holidays in the Bulgarian national calendar

Jun 19, 2024 12:32 47

Midsummer Day: What are the customs and beliefs about the holiday?  - 1

Enyovden is one of the most significant and magical holidays in the Bulgarian national calendar. It is celebrated on June 24 and coincides with the summer solstice – the day when the Sun reaches its highest point in the sky. This day is steeped in a variety of customs and beliefs related to health, fertility and magic. In this article, we will look at the history, origins, traditions and customs of New Year's Day, as well as the namesakes who celebrate this day.

History and Origin

The origin of Midsummer is ancient and intertwines pagan and Christian elements. At the roots of the holiday are cults to the sun and natural forces, which have been celebrated since ancient times. In the Christian tradition, New Year's Day coincides with the birth of Saint John the Baptist, which gives the holiday an additional spiritual and religious meaning.

In pagan customs related to the solstice, people believed that on this day the sun had special power and magical properties. They performed various rituals to attract his blessing and protect themselves from evil forces.

Traditions and Beliefs

Gathering Herbs

One of the most important Midsummer traditions is the gathering of herbs. It is believed that the herbs collected on this day have a special healing power, as they are “kissed” from the Sun. People go out early in the morning, even before sunrise, to collect herbs and flowers, which they then use to prepare various medicines and potions.

Enova Bunya

„Ennova bunya“ is another important custom associated with this holiday. Young girls go out on the night before Midsummer and collect bouquets of herbs and flowers. These bouquets are called “Engiov wrists“. In the morning, the girls wash their face with water from a spring or river, believing that this will bring them health and beauty throughout the year.

Divination and Magic Rituals

Monday is a time for various fortune-telling and magical rituals. One of the most common beliefs is that water has magical powers on this day. People bathe in rivers and springs, believing that this will protect them from disease and evil spirits.

Different divinations are also made for health, love and fertility. Girls divine about their future husband by leaving flowers under their pillow or looking into mirrors placed under moonlight.


Making Venzi

Wreaths made of various herbs and flowers are an integral part of the celebration. They are placed on the doors and windows of houses to protect them from evil forces. Also, people pass under arches made of wreaths, believing that this will bring them health and luck.

Halls and Celebrations

Round dances and celebrations are organized in different regions of Bulgaria. People gather outdoors, sing songs and dance, celebrating the joy of summer and the fertility of the earth.

Name Day

Enyovden name day is celebrated by everyone who bears the names Enyo, Ena, Enka, Ioan, Ioana, Janko, Yana and their derivatives. These names are associated with Saint John the Baptist and his birth.

Midsummer is a holiday that combines ancient pagan customs with Christian traditions. It is a time for joy and celebration, but also for honoring nature and its powers. The customs and beliefs associated with this day live on to this day, attracting people of all ages to join in the magic of the holiday.