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Drivers fight chainsaws over right-of-way in Sicily

One of them got away with six stitches

Sep 13, 2024 06:00 95

Drivers fight chainsaws over right-of-way in Sicily  - 1

In Italy, drivers in a dispute over right-of-way at a roundabout came to blows with chainsaws. One of them got away with six stitches, BNR reported.

The dangerous duel took place at a roundabout near a village, not far from Syracuse on the island of Sicily, the Agi news agency reported. According to eyewitnesses who filmed the incident, it was in the midst of an argument over right-of-way between a gardener driving a pick-up truck and a group of foreigners in a car. The two vehicles almost collided and the drivers began to abuse each other with insulting words.

According to the witnesses, one of the foreigners got out of the car, grabbed a chainsaw from the pickup, and another took a ladder. The gardener also "armed" with another chainsaw and a very dangerous fight ensued, in which he was injured, forced to seek treatment in the emergency department of the hospital. Survived with six stitches. The “extraordinary duel” filmed by eyewitnesses made the rounds on social media. The Carabinieri use the material from him and the video cameras on the road and investigate the case.