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400 years later: Two beavers were born in Hampshire, England

They were first spotted in early July

Sep 18, 2024 05:50 55

400 years later: Two beavers were born in Hampshire, England  - 1

Two baby beavers were born in Hampshire, South East England for the first time in 400 years, reported DPA, quoted by BNT.

They were first spotted in early July. The cubs have since been caught on camera swimming, splashing and gnawing on tree bark.

The beavers were born on the 374 hectare estate to parents Chompy and Hazel, who were released into the enclosure in January 2023. They are the first beavers born in Hampshire since the 1600s.

In the 16th century, these animals were exterminated in Britain for their fur, glands and meat, but now they can be found in the wild in Scotland.

These mammals are important to nature restoration because they act as "ecosystem engineers" to provide vital habitats and resources for insects, fish, plants and birds. Experts believe beavers should be returned to the wild to help tackle climate change.