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Marta Vachkova goes out early in the morning for mushrooms

The actress soon learned to dispose of the forest gifts

Sep 22, 2024 05:10 62

Marta Vachkova goes out early in the morning for mushrooms  - 1

If you haven't seen Marta Vachkova outside with a knife in her hand, now is the time. But before you think about the actress, we clarify that she is armed like that because of... the mushrooms that she has recently been picking early in the morning, writes Telegraph, quoted by

The actress, who has recently learned to identify mushrooms, roams the forest like a true connoisseur early in the morning and picks carefully.

"I cook them with oil and garlic in a pan for my daughter," Vachkova told "Telegraph".

In the summer, the actress and her daughter Rada live in their house in the mountains, where nature is extremely rich. "As I walk there, everywhere I look I see mushrooms.

I have a friend who is a mushroom picker who only picks mushrooms and he taught me that you should always cut them with a knife and that they should be pink on the bottom. However, I always send him photos to confirm if they are edible," the actress added.

"You go very early in the morning, before the sun rises, they just shine and call you. It's such a pleasant experience, it's dawn," adds Marta with a smile.

"In this area, there are a variety of vegetables and fruits in different seasons. Wild strawberries ripen first, then plums, apples, grapes begin. There is something along every yard and it tempts you to tear yourself away from it. I even joke with my daughter that I go to the market and whatever I find on the way, that's what I take. I pick up a nut that has fallen on the path, an apple, and then I go home and tell her that the store is open today," the star says.

"Nature gives us everything, I like picking nettles in the spring the most, it is very useful. Therefore, we should be kind to our nature and clean it. I am very happy when I see children in the village who have taken a bag each and are collecting waste from the ground, we have to do it because we cannot re-educate every single person", Marta reminds everyone.