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The Church honors the memory of the martyrs Karp, Papilla, Agathodorus and Agathonica

Oct 13, 2024 07:13 53

October 13 in the church calendar is the day of memory of the martyrs Karp, Papilla, Agathodorus and Agathonica. All of them sacrificed themselves for their faith in Christ in the 3rd century, when Decius was the ruler, recalls FOCUS.

Carpus was bishop and Papilla was deacon. Agathonica was Papilla's sister, and Agathodorus was a slave who worked for Papilla and Carpus. When the emperor realized that they did not worship idols, he immediately summoned them to him and began to force them to renounce their faith. The deacon and the bishop refused.

Their tormentors tied them to horses, forcing them to run after them. Agathodorus saw this and sympathized with his masters. The executioners noticed this and started torturing him as well. Papilla admitted during interrogation that he had healed local residents with prayers. Then the emperor ordered to heal the sick man, and the deacon replied that if the pagans succeeded, he would deny Christ. The priests cast spells over the blind man for a long time, but they could do nothing. As soon as Papilla approached him and began to pray, the blind man immediately received his sight.

The ruler was so angry that he ordered everyone to be put in a hot furnace. However, the fire went out and did not harm the martyrs. Then the executioners executed them with a sword.

On this day, you should not brag about your achievements, because you can lose everything at once. Black clothes are not allowed to be worn on this day because plans may be disrupted. It is not recommended to invite guests, you can get into trouble.