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December 14, 1503: The prophet Nostradamus is born

Michel de Nostradamus, was born on December 14, 1503 in the city of Saint-Rémy-de-Provence in France

Dec 14, 2024 05:00 70

December 14, 1503: The prophet Nostradamus is born  - 1

One of the most famous fortune tellers in the world, Nostradamus, born Michel de Nostradamus, was born on December 14, 1503 in the city of Saint-Rémy-de-Provence in France. He is also known for treating diseases with herbs and for his interest in astrology, writes Maritza.

His most famous work is “Predictions“ (Les Propheties), and the first edition was published in 1555. In the book, he collects his most important prophecies for the distant future, written in the form of quatrains. It is said that he predicted the entire history of the world. Many consider him the greatest prophet on Earth.
At the age of 15, Nostradamus entered the University of Avignon. After less than a year, during which he studied grammar, rhetoric, and logic, he was forced to leave Avignon because the university closed due to the threat of a plague epidemic. After leaving Avignon, Nostradamus traveled the country for eight years, studying herbal medicine from 1521.

In 1529, after working as an apothecary for several years, he studied medicine at the University of Montpellier. Shortly thereafter, he was expelled after it became clear that he had been working as an apothecary, which was expressly forbidden by the university administration. However, publishers and correspondents later called him “doctor“. After his removal, Nostradamus continued to work as a pharmacist, and became famous for creating his "pink pill", which was said to protect against the plague.

Nostradamus made very accurate predictions during his lifetime. It is believed that he was able to reach a state of meditation in his late 40s. At this age, he received his first visions of the future and began to document them. He predicted two world wars, and 18 of the quatrains he wrote as predictions refer to World War III. Nostradamus died on July 2, 1566.

Unfortunately, the prophet's predictions for 2019 do not bode well. According to Nostradamus, 2019 will be a year of justice, earthquakes and hurricanes, which will most likely occur in January, April, July and October.

1. According to predictions, in 2019 several countries in Europe will be flooded, including Hungary. Italy, Czech Republic, Great Britain.

2. Both Europe and the USA will face problems with immigration, as well as terrorism.

3. Religious extremism will continue to reign in the Middle East, which will be the reason for the increase in the number of immigrants.

4. Another prophecy states that climate change will continue and the leaders of major countries will introduce new rules to limit air pollution.

5. Perhaps the most terrible prediction of Nostradamus is that in 2019 a Third World War will break out, in which two Superpowers will participate, and the war will last 27 years.

6. Nostradamus predicted that in 2019 animals will be closer to people and there will be people who will be able to talk to them.

7. Perhaps the most positive prediction is that medicine will advance a lot in the coming year. According to the prophet, people will be able to live up to 200 years.

*Materials from were used.