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Ivo Siromakhov: Let's support people with Down syndrome! We have the same dreams!

I know that elections are coming now and the great Bulgarian statesmen are busy with more important things

Apr 11, 2024 16:00 96

Ivo Siromakhov: Let's support people with Down syndrome! We have the same dreams! - 1
ФАКТИ публикува мнения с широк спектър от гледни точки, за да насърчава конструктивни дебати.

I know that the elections are coming now and the great Bulgarian statesmen are busy with more important things things - to calculate how many MPs they will have and how much they will be able to steal through them.

But I want to tell you a story that is more important than some people pretending to be politicians.

Ten years ago I was at Niagara Falls. Only people with Down syndrome work there for the needs of tourists. Extremely kind, extremely hardworking, extremely pleasant.

Someone out there thought that these people could be useful and meaningful.

We live in a society that rejects people with disabilities. He considers them something that spoils their view. Makes them turn their head away when they meet them.

Listen: these people are just like you. They have the same dreams, the same needs. They have the same need for love.

Maybe you are deluding yourself that you are superior to them because you are healthy.

You are not healthy.

If you do not find within yourself a smile and a good attitude towards a person in a disadvantaged position, you are not healthy.

If you don't try to make this person have the same opportunities as you, you are not healthy.

If you stop your children from playing with disadvantaged children, you are not healthy.

Think about it.