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What would I vote for on June 9?

There is still a little time to think

Май 28, 2024 02:58 88

FAKTI.BG publishes opinions with a wide range of perspectives to encourage constructive debates.

We have double elections coming up. Before the European elections, the public in the European Union is divided by the non/desire to participate in Russia's multi-sector war in Ukraine in favor of the deep state and the Behind the Scenes of the USA and its Brussels exequaturs. We have long had a colonized economy, with crushed animal husbandry and ruined vegetable and fruit production. We have become a raw appendage, with demographic resources drained. In a consumptive, dependent and highly speculative market of low-quality GMO- and obsolete VPC- production. Overpaid and in advance, for years to come. Especially after the bureaucratic decision to join the EU and NATO without consulting the population, foreign policy became intertwined with domestic policy. Indulgently reactive, cowardly vassal. Against the background of the discrediting of the Bulgarian political establishment with its party system and absorption of European subsidies according to a scheme.

This is why the renegotiation of our membership in the EU is absolutely mandatory! In this form, it literally suffocates and kills the Bulgarian state and economy!

This is also among the TABO topics for global liberals. Along with: 1. Would it have been better if we had not been freed from the Ottomans in 1878? 2. Should DANS reveal only Russian spies and possible ones from China, Cuba, the DPRK, Laos, Guinea-Bissau, from 2-3 ...-states from Central Asia? But not from our neighbors Turkey, Greece, Romania and other member states of NATO, the EU? From Israel and Kosovo? 3. The role and place of the “chosen people” (according to Chudomir “the sustainable ethnos”) and his idealistic state in the Middle East in world geopolitics. “Anti-Semitism” - Semitism? The belittling of the contribution to the rescue of the Bulgarian Jews during WWI 4. The "Politically correct" a war of manipulation against our historical identity. The disinfo-servitude for the Allies.

Maintaining the standard of living through external loans, instead of financial and socio-economic policy, is nonsense. It will be a burden for future non-immigrant generations. In 2023 alone, even the booming IT sector has an annual decline of 34%. Taking into account Moscow-Washington's mutual revanchist policies, illustrated by the war in the unfortunate Ukraine and the nearness of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, the fateful goal No. No. 1, 2 and 3 of our foreign policy can only be the preservation - at any cost - of peace for Bulgaria . By systematically reclaiming state and national sovereignty. If necessary and neutrality!

On June 9 this year shall we vote for war or for peace!? Do we need the drawer-babaites, or the Harvard ESs, who have mastered dressing up the thefts and strikes against the middle class in the form of "laws"? Or the $-€ bashibozuk, which under “solidarity and loyalty” to allied duties understands doggy tail? Instead of consensual formulation and protection of the national interest. For the genetic adjuster politician and the lumpen-chameleons, Bulgarian history is the change of power from the scimitar to the fez, with nagaika or vodka;....followed by the whip with the lasso and the cowherd's boots.

I would vote for elected officials to revive the idea: “Black Sea - zone of peace”. In order to ensure the most favorable external conditions for raising the standard of living of as many Bulgarians as possible through broad, mutually beneficial non-ideological, non-vassal and/or neo-colonial cooperation. Cooperation based not on invented Euro-Atlantic ($-€) criteria, but predominantly on the basis of the values of the BOP Church, the White Brotherhood and the Bogomil traditions of the Oldest Country on the Continent, the Mother of the European White Civilization!

With the current one - no wonder? - future colonial foreign policy, we step disciplinedly towards the possibility of Bulgaria “strengthening” as a springboard for war, with the option of falling victim to shelling or territorial annexations. The assembly and the pishman-politic-elite have convinced us for decades that they are untrustworthy. That they should be brought under public scrutiny. First of all, through the actual introduction of the system for a nationwide poll on nodal decisions of the rulers. If we try to put the horse before the cart, without another amateurish approach to the Constitution, the next composition of the National Assembly should adopt corrections in the Law on the direct participation of citizens in the management of the state and municipalities, now in practice preventing the decisions of the referendums by the National Assembly. That is, several amendments and additions are needed, specifying the topics of the referendums and limiting the rights of parliamentary randoms to handle their results. From referendums, at least in a bourgeois-democratic spirit. Urgent first topics for referendums in the tense situation in the country's immediate neighborhood in the shortest possible time are: Bulgaria's membership in NATO and the EU. Our participation so far, although legally consistent, is not approved by the population and is not morally binding! In Europe, we have quite a few examples of protecting national interests and taking into account public attitudes, such as the referendums in Norway on EU membership, those in France and the Netherlands on the Euroconstitution.

We are not obliged to be Gyromikhailovci of the allies! Other urgent topics could be a referendum in our country on limiting the degree of the country's involvement in the military conflicts in Ukraine and with the Palestinians, including prohibition of state commitment to military participation and economic sanctions causing damage to Bulgarian economic entities. Or about our Atlantic-European “integration” as considering the actuality of hasty entry into the Eurozone (= EU EMU).

Significant steps in the fight against corruption would be the legislative fixing of mandatory contributions to the state budget of commissions received from public procurement, as well as the sharp reduction of subsidies for votes received from parties and coalitions in parliamentary elections. Will they prevail this time over their parliamentary egoism and selfish quersofrajilak? For GERB and DPS it is political suicide, but reducing the administration initially by at least 30% is an economic necessity! In our future practically referendum-based, not only parliamentary, republic, it is mandatory for the new rulers to ask the rest of the non-emigrants in a referendum whether they agree with Bulgaria being a geographical colony of Afghanistan, Arabia and Africa. And why not for the nuclear power plant and Westinghouse, removed in the Czech Republic?

Regarding Moscow's claims to Bulgaria's behavior as a NATO member, the “assembly” it obsessively hammers into our heads the guilt, aggressiveness and incompetence of Putin and Russia. The MFA-Sofia has been repeating for 30 years that the Republic of Bulgaria consistently supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders, as well as its European and Euro-Atlantic perspective. But the native Atlanticists did not want to see that in our Treaties of Friendly Relations and Cooperation and in the Protocols on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations of 1991-93 with Russia and with Ukraine, each of the countries is clearly identified territorially as the ex-RSFSR and the former Ukraine SSR. As long as neither the Russian Federation nor Ukraine has denounced any of the mentioned documents, we do not need to provoke the hard-to-predict nuclear force into action. Nor should we rut during the war monuments formally dedicated to her army during WWI. Society is divided into philes and phobes. If the Atlantic hawks win the elections here and in the USA in the fall, the termination of another crusade against Russia and the emancipation of Europe from the USA is very unlikely. And it does not depend on Sofia's lackeys.

Mass is the reluctance to go to war against an unpredictable Moscow for the careers of paid interests and “international” clerks, or instead of native office Atlanteans.

From the new rulers, I could expect a distancing from attempts to foment international conspiracies and conflicts, on the principle of "divide and rule". Instead of turning Bulgaria into a remotely controlled military bridgehead for foreign geopolitical interests. From the newly elected, I expect complete non-interference in military conflicts near our territory. Also, revival of economic and diplomatic relations with all non-Western majority countries on the basis of equal mutual respect and benefit, and respect for international law.

Under the cloak of Pax Americana, the Euro-Atlantic Matrix and Jehovah (?), a stage of lustration of Bulgarian-Russian history and relations is taking place. In Washington, Brussels, Paris and Berlin, they are hardly constructively interested in the fact that Bulgarian (= Cyrillic or Clementine) was originally the main mother tongue of the white race, not only in the Balkans, but also in Europe. Most likely before Asparukhova Bulgaria of 681 AD. In Ukraine, Russia and at least in Belarus, Bulgarian is written. In the first two countries, several ancient and medieval Bulgarian states were created, with culture, skills, statecraft, organization exceeding the local population. Despite the reluctance of Moscow and Kiev to recognize the multifaceted Bulgarian contribution to their state entities, religions, peoples or tribes in the past. Until now, in both countries there is a Bulgarian diaspora or their citizens with Bulgarian ethnic roots (in Russia + millions of descendants of Volga Bulgarians). Sofia has no - at least - demographic interest in breaking contact with such people, incl. and from Bulgaria's neighboring countries such as Turkey, Romania, Greece; in the Western Balkans. As well as in the countries with Bulgarian emigration, including USA. Regardless of the division of Bulgarian society and rulers. But not all Bulgarians dream of emigrating to the USA or working among NATO officials.

Bulgaria cannot “share Megdan” with the United States, Russia, Turkey, China, India... and to prevent them - stubbornly or by force - from redistributing us geostrategically in their interest. The Bulgarian political elite is not just dependent, but seems to feel the comfort of being dependent, of not making decisions. His management reflexes, including in crises, seem impaired, even lost. The division of society is an existential risk for our country. But HOPEFULLY, after the elections, a coalition will be formed, which with dignity will seek a balance in the relations with the nuclear-geopolitical rivals. No servility and preferences (before possible thematic referenda). Without quoting Reagan about the "evil empire", Henry Ford about the Jews, or the French historian Emmanuel Todd from 1976, "If the US leaves Europe, the whole world will see the sun rise over a peaceful planet". Nor should they take seriously the polycorrect mainstream propaganda that after military success in Ukraine “the dwarf Putin” will occupy us. Something that the USSR/RSFSR didn't want because of the "fraternal Bulgaria". Which is already broken and useless for feeding Russia agriculture, neutered economy and army!? But why? Because of the remaining few thousand Russians with apartments, living in a compact way in our country? Not like in Ukraine, millions?

I expect realism and elementary arithmetic from the new rulers: that 300 km. 10,000 km do not compensate for direct missile fire from Russia. away from Big Brother-a Tartor who is in existential crisis as a gendarme of his own world order.

I will vote for: those who will stop the replacement of our history, under the pretext that the previous one was entirely invented by Moscow. For politicians who do not associate the prosperity of our nation with the accumulation of money, but with the enrichment and preservation of our culture and values. For politicians who do not use the ethnically diverse as an electorate and the taxpayers as cash cows. For a true elite who realizes that producing is better than importing or subsidizing.

Hopefully, after the elections, a professional Bulgarian-phile minister of foreign affairs will be appointed! Something that hasn't happened in decades. We only saw diplomats-ministers under 3-4 caretaker governments. The last of them was released recently due to his personal and national dignity, although he represented the country's official positions in the most professional manner. I see 2 serious challenges before the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: 1. Taking concrete steps, in addition to protecting the Bulgarian population and territory from being dragged into war, as well as diplomatic lobbying for not involving in it the people with Bulgarian national consciousness in Ukraine and Russia. 2. Episodically, Paris, Berlin, before Brexit and London, hinted at the separation of defense capacity of Western European countries, outside of NATO. “Cretashe” and the independent Western European Union (WEU) with 4 peacekeeping missions in 63 years of existence. While in 2011 he “was disbanded”. The pressure of Washington, perhaps already of London, and of other EU members in connection with the war in Ukraine has escalated enormously. Why, then, does Bulgarian diplomacy not become the initiator of the reactivation of the European alternative to NATO WEU?

However, it is high time for a change in the personnel selection of foreign ministers. After the holding of referendums on EU and NATO membership, they should be loyal only to Bulgaria. Not to foreign embassies or NGOs, nor to be selected among the ambitious ladies we know or “possible mrs”. With unexperienced complexes of unstoppable school excellent note-taking in front of “who needs”.

Nothing against raising the standard of living of our MEPs!? But unfortunately, many of the current ones have the qualities mentioned above. “More European” from the other Europeans in the political groups of the EP (European Parliament)!? Bulgarians in second place, without consensus among themselves!? Unattainable for control. Do they lobby or at least vote for BG? The “Mobility” package of Macron to our detriment and his “PCM plan” (= that's what they now call Kutmichevitsa or Povardarieto) “with the collaboration of Ilhan Kyuchyuk (DPS)” were pushed through. What else did our people achieve in the EP? They have preserved the rose oil that we have been known for over a century!! Who will be the next big hit? - the salvation of the Bulgarian pink tomato, tripe soup, energy, or most importantly - our children from "European values" ? A lady changed her party in the name of kelepira?

There is still some time to think! Elections “to the hole”? No alternative? With a pitiful army, and we haven't had a compact patriotic officer intelligence for a long time, which – in the language of the Apostles – “to natiri” at least temporarily the insolent “politic-splashers and ibricchi-korsofragjie”! And for a presidential republic, we are too disunited.