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Lyubomir Alamanov: PP-DB are at a crossroads for the second term

Pros and cons of the options. PP-DB already twice chose the first. And they suffered huge losses

Jul 14, 2024 13:02 101

Lyubomir Alamanov: PP-DB are at a crossroads for the second term  - 1
ФАКТИ публикува мнения с широк спектър от гледни точки, за да насърчава конструктивни дебати.

PP-DB are at a crossroads. Whether to make a government with the second mandate or not.

This commented on "Facebook" Lubomir Alamanov.

Pros and cons of the options:

1. They make a government. Then:

- they don't throw us into the madness of another early election;

- the processes on Schengen, the Eurozone, the laws necessary to unblock the payments under the Recovery Plan, etc.;

- they can try to continue with the reforms of the services to make them work normally;

- they are saving us from yet another nefarious Service Government;

- make an unstable parliamentary majority with either the pro-Kremlin parties or the kleptocratic ones, the independents are a bonus, but it is unclear in what direction;

- this majority can only work for a little while, and then the kleptocrats can buy MPs, create situational majorities and vote whatever they want, as was the case in the previous parliament;

- everyone is hiding behind PP-DB and doing their tricks, just like in the previous parliament;

- everyone blames the problems on PP-DB, just like in the previous parliament;

- everyone criticizes PP-DB, especially their own fans, just like in the previous parliament;

- representatives of all parties criticize PP-DB in sync, justifying themselves with "personal opinion", just like in the previous parliament;

- everyone is igniting media hysteria against PP-DB, just like in the previous parliament;

- every positive thing done by the PP-DB is belittled, or in the last resort it is claimed to have been done by the "coalition", just like in the previous parliament;

- all services are harnessed to search for or create compromising material, just to blacken the PP-DB, just like in the previous parliament;

- positive changes that the kleptocrats don't like are torpedoed either in the parliament or in some other institution, as happened in the previous parliament;

- unions and business leaders suddenly come out with hysterical demands for things they haven't thought of in years;

- mastitis analysts repeat every day in comfortable studios how the PP-DB are incompetent, but they don't say a word about the seventh failed mandate of the others;

- all the hysteria lowers the confidence in PP-DB even to the most hardened core;

- in a few months, when the kleptocrats feel strong, overthrow the government and force us into new elections, just to destroy even the little hope of democratizing the country.

2. PP-DB do not form a government. Then:

- all analysts hate them for being irresponsible, not saying a word about the seventh failed term;

- there is media hysteria that they are incompetent, forgetting again about the Seventh Failed;

- they leave us to fry with a nefarious cabinet, which mainly deals with changing civil servants or with continuous attempts to expose us to the world;

- they have time to calmly meet with their constituents and tell why we are in this situation and how we can move forward;

- they helplessly watch how the club-institutions ruin everything positive, harass thinking people and do not do their job because they are uncontrolled and blatantly unaccountable;

- they are trying to win back their voters in order to gain power in parliament for elementary reforms;

- they are trying to do the few possible positive things, being with only 39 MPs.

Tough choice. Saving the country now or saving political power for future action.

They, the Sevens, constantly choose the latter. Because they don't care about Bulgaria.

PP-DB has chosen the former twice already. And they suffered huge losses.

Like I said, tough choice.

And the strangest thing is that their enemies, and their friends, and everyone else, only see in them a chance for some kind of normalization.

Let's see what next week brings.

Have a peaceful day!