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Slatinsky: Russian democrats are always dreaming about the same Russia that Putin is also raving about

Putin has shown everyone that regardless of his atrocities in Ukraine, the West is negotiating with him

Aug 6, 2024 15:08 294

Slatinsky: Russian democrats are always dreaming about the same Russia that Putin is also raving about  - 1
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Anyone who experiences sincerely and personally about Ukraine and follows what is happening to this long-suffering country, feels a very strong shock from the ridiculous, absurd, grotesque and, let's put it bluntly – mean to Ukraine – press conference of the released Russian politicians - prisoners.

It has been a long time since such an unexpected and gratuitous blow has been inflicted on the painfully wounded feelings and nerves of the Ukrainians...

This commented on "Facebook" Nikolai Slatinsky.

But such a ferocious surprise could only befall those who are ill-informed about the current state of the Russian democrats.

Again and again I will say – Russian democrats are not part of the solution to the “Russia” problem, they are part of this problem.

I avoided commenting on the Russian democrats, especially the prisoners, because after all they are Putin's opposition and some of them are in his concentration camp. This role of theirs and above all their participation is a categorical and explicitly necessary condition for me to remain silent, swallow frogs and grit my teeth.

Below I will also share about another self-imposed silence of mine.

Now I will say some things that have been standing until now, because with the press conference in question, the cup of my patience and indignation has overflowed.

The Russian democrats who are now the face, the vanguard of the opposition in Putin's monster state, as a generation have nothing in common with those few brave, indomitable democrats who passed through the bone crusher of the Soviet repressive system.

⁕ The current Russian democrats, or at least too many of them, had their first illicit incest - with the kleptomaniac gang around the “family“, the “Yeltsin gang”, who held Russia by the throat and looted hundreds of billions of dollars and tens trillion rubles the national wealth of the state. It was only because of the largely facade democracy that was then being built that the fledgling Russian democrats of that time entered into a self-interested and unprincipled alliance with the marauding hordes, indulged in an orgy of looting, and turned a blind eye to what was being done and appropriated.

⁕ The current Russian democrats, or at least too many of them, had a second illicit incest – with interim president Medvedev, who these days has degenerated into an alcoholic making nightmarish threats of a nuclear apocalypse. A series of self-interested and unprincipled compromises were made behind the square chanting of pro-democratic, pro-European slogans.

⁕ The current Russian democrats, or at least too many of them, had a third illicit incest – with Putin's expansionist mafia when Crimea was annexed by looting. Navalny became and remained an obscene word for Ukrainians only because he laughed in their eyes in a great imperial way and supported the seizure of Crimea.

⁕ The current Russian democrats, or at least too many of them, have their fourth illegal incest today – with a Russian society totally driven mad by great imperial chauvinism and conquering aggression, which ran on the theme “Russia is an exceptional country, a country – a messiah, a state with a mission, an Orthodox savior of Christian civilization, a protector of the wronged from all countries, a leader of the anti-Western world.

A person like me, who reads tons of books and other publications, follows countless shows and podcasts, all this is no secret behind seven seals to the current Russian democrats, or at least to a very large part of them.

As one Ukrainian human rights activist said, the main difference between the Russian democrats and Putin is in the hairstyle... At this shocking press conference, he again noted, they behaved like astronauts who traveled in space and finally landed on Earth, which however in the meantime, it has become the Planet of the Apes, and they talk without knowing this and talk about some hot-not-boiling, abstract phrases without any resemblance to reality.

The end of the war is not in sight, maybe everything is just at the beginning, somewhere around 1940, and until 1945 there is still a long, terribly long time...

But there will be an end to the war, and at least I am afraid to think what will happen after Putin, if the current Russian democrats come to power.

Russian democrats, or at least too many of them, are dreaming about the same Russia that Putin is also dreaming about;

but not only Putin, but excessively and too huge part of the Russian people.

Putin's Russia is a monster because in colossal percentages of the population it suffers from geopolitical alcoholism, it is addicted to geostrategic addiction to the drug of imperial thinking. From this geopolitical alcoholism, from this geostrategic drug addiction, the current Russian democrats also suffer, or at least too much of them.

Until now, I have kept quiet, to repeat myself, because these Russian democrats (and there are almost none left in Russia) are some kind of opposition to Putin.

But now they have become a tool in Putin's hands!

Putin has shown everyone that regardless of his atrocities in Ukraine, the West is negotiating with him.

There was an exchange of Russian oppositionists and human rights defenders with racist murderers and scoundrels.

The exchanged Russian oppositionists were fundamentally different from the sometimes released Ukrainian prisoners – the Russian oppositionists ran off the plane straight into a press conference, looking well-fed, decently dressed, healthy and straight.

Ukrainian prisoners freed from rain and wind can barely stand on their feet, pale, sick, 20-30 kg lighter and immediately go to be treated.

Only Russians were released in this deal, but not a single Ukrainian political prisoner in Russia! Not a single one!!

When two criminal clans fight in Russia, these feuds and deals are called “showdowns”. Well, Putin arranged showdowns with the West, took back legally convicted criminals.

Tomorrow, Putin will send even more killers to the West, because the West will return them generously in another deal.

Tomorrow Putin will put even more oppositionists in concentration camps, because he will easily use them as hostages and exchange them for his murderers.

Someone will say – but Putin killed Navalny!

Yes, but Navalny was a special case.

Navalny exposed Putin's cannibalistic corruption, made him laugh with his kitschy super mega expensive palaces.

And for that, under Putin, only one thing is required – death!

My personal cup of patience and indignation overflowed after this press conference.

And what I preferred to keep silent about, I thought I should say.

I said a piece of it...

Because my heart aches for Ukraine, because I pray for Ukraine, because I have first friends in Ukraine, because Ukraine is fighting for Bulgaria at the moment, and for Europe, and for the West, and for the democratic world, I do not write about some things that have been my pain for two or three decades regarding Ukraine.

I will just briefly mark what I am silent about for now...

I am silent about the complete 30-year indifference of the Ukrainians towards the colossal threat coming from the Kremlin.

Ukraine was penetrated and penetrated by Russian mafia interests, by Russian cops and thugs, but it did not stop.

Ukraine was turning everything into a primetime show, into funny series, into flat sketches and comedy swag.

Ukraine endured being robbed and plundered.

Ukraine endured its ethnic groups fighting among themselves, meddling in its politics. To destroy its statehood, to blur its identity.

By the way, the current President Zelensky (who is currently a wonderful leader and I support him unconditionally!) was also unwittingly but energetically helping with all this!

Zelensky was the main actor in ridiculous serials, in stupid movies, in spectacular formats, in slavish triphone simplicity in the name of money and fame. The disgusting thing is that he was doing this even after the looting of Crimea.

I say again – Ukraine did not care when they eroded its statehood, when they blurred its identity. It was casual. And even hypocritical.

Ukraine was stagnant when its entire security system was in the hands of the FSB, when all its oligarchs were puppets on strings, controlled and directed by the puppeteer in the Kremlin.

Ukaraina did not strengthen his army, did not unite his people, did not show an instinct for self-preservation, he was like a grouse in love period – he talked with closed eyes and dulled (and dulled) senses.

That's exactly how Bulgaria is behaving now! One to one!!!

We Bulgarians have before our eyes an open book – Ukraine.

A book that we have to read between the lines.

Today's Bulgaria has 1000 similarities and 1 difference with Ukraine before the war.

These 1000 similarities with Ukraine before the war are in 1000 directions - national security, economy, health care, science, education (especially school, but increasingly also university), finance, culture, ecology, ethnic and religious relations, corruption, energy dependence on Russian raw materials, disunity of parties, fragmentation of society, atomization of people, presence of huge masses of morally blinded and mentally deafened pro-Russian population, etc.. etc.

The only difference with Ukraine before the war is that Bulgaria does not directly border Putin's Russia, this monster state.

Precisely, the only difference so far is the main guarantee for our national security, for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of Bulgaria.

But this one difference will not save us long. It is already thinning like a barrier and very soon it may crack. And if a small crack appears in it, it will burst and collapse very quickly.

Pre-war Ukraine is a memory of the future for Bulgaria.

Very soon, Warring Ukraine will become the present for Bulgaria.

Don't doubt it!

Sometimes the processes in our country develop rapidly and headlong.

Supposedly, yesterday was September 8th, and tomorrow is already September 10th, when a world collapses and begins a bloody massacre and a spiraling never-ending bacchanalia of demons and violence.

He who thinks that I am overdramatizing and grossly exaggerating, in my opinion, suffers from an ever-increasing geopolitical myopia, gradually growing into an incurable historical hen-blindness.

Ukraine yesterday is Bulgaria today.

Ukraine today is Bulgaria tomorrow!

For the umpteenth time, please don't even think of doubting this!!
