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Ivo Siromakhov for October 27: I don't know about you. But I will not forgive and I will not forget

We have no future as a society if we do not cut out the DS tumor and its deadly metastases. Because there can be no statute of limitations for the bloody crimes of the communist regime

Oct 14, 2024 16:02 41

Ivo Siromakhov for October 27: I don't know about you. But I will not forgive and I will not forget  - 1
ФАКТИ публикува мнения с широк спектър от гледни точки, за да насърчава конструктивни дебати.

On October 27, all those over six thousand candidates for power will stand before us in all their glory. A mighty army of all kinds of people who promise us a wonderful future.

When we elect politicians, we are actually choosing what we ourselves will be – whether to be free, dignified and independent people, or to be uncomplaining slaves, placing our fate in the hands of dubious types.

This is what he warns on "Facebook" Ivo Siromakhov.

That is why it is extremely important to have a yardstick by which to judge the qualities of the people who want our vote.

My measure is simple – I want to know where the candidates come from, what their family is like, what values they were brought up in.

It is inadmissible to send to power people who are the sons and grandsons of criminals from the DS.

Electing such people means making fun of the memory of people like Georgi Markov and Iliya Minev, insulting the dreams of freedom of the citizens of Gora, spitting on the suffering of thousands of worthy Bulgarians killed in the communist camps.

It is unforgivable to say that there was also a good DS. No, there was no good DS, just as there was no good Gestapo or good KGB.

It is unforgivable for someone to mock the dreams of millions of Bulgarians, who in 1989 demanded democracy and justice, but got criminals who took control of the entire country and crushed every free initiative.

Some say that it is not right for a man to pay for the sins of his relatives. But these sins have not yet been paid for. They have not received just retribution. Crimes to this day go unpunished.

In addition to being a machine for repression, the DS was also a dirty enterprise – he was dealing drugs, selling weapons to terrorists. Any business founded with DS money is a criminal business stained with blood.

We have no future as a society if we do not cut out the DS tumor and its deadly metastases. Because there can be no statute of limitations for the bloody crimes of the communist regime.

In the elections, everyone will make a decision according to their conscience.

I don't know about you.

But I will not forgive and I will not forget.