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The case of Andrey Gyurov is another shame for "We continue the change" and the media of "America for Bulgaria"

The smallest qualification for what is happening is scum. Well, it turned out that this scum is illegal

Jun 27, 2024 16:19 202

The case of Andrey Gyurov is another shame for "We continue the change" and the media of "America for Bulgaria"  - 1
ФАКТИ огласява журналистически разследвания от различни медии, защото подкрепя свободата на словото.

The deputy governor of the Bulgarian National Bank, who heads the “Issue“ Andrey Gyurov is incompatible with any of his other qualities and actions, for which "Voices” first wrote last year. This is clear from a message from the Bulgarian National Bank:

„Today, the Anti-Corruption Commission notified the Bulgarian National Bank of the issued decision, with which it established incompatibility with regard to Mr. Andrey Gyurov, deputy manager, head of the “Issue” department. Until the subsequent legal actions are taken, in order to avoid any doubts regarding compliance with the legal framework, Mr. Gyurov went on unpaid leave.

This comments on "Voices" Stefan Antonov.

The most natural consequence of this scandal is for Bulgaria to further lose momentum on the way to the Eurozone.

Yesterday it became clear that due to inflation we will not join at least until 2026. Despite all the stories of Kiril Petkov and Asen Vasilev about exceptions to the rules. Despite wishful thinking about arrangements with Ursula von der Leyen.
Here, disrespect for the inflation rule led to another violation and turned the PP into the culprits of the new dose of institutional mistrust, which Bulgaria is yet to begin to feel, because they brought in a person in the BNB who has not removed his incompatibilities.

What is happening is the first example that even the parties of smart beauty can hit a rock when they think they will get away with another violation of the rules. After the lie about Kiril Petkov's citizenship, after Asen Vasilev's illegal attempts to destroy one of the most efficient administrative units in the Ministry of Finance, completely contrary to the law, it now appears that despite the two years from the initial nomination of Gyurov to his final confirmation in the BNB, he did not find it necessary to bring his professional and personal obligations into line with the law. His party also did not consider it necessary to check and invite him. As “Voices” wrote,

the smallest qualification for what is happening is filth. Well, it turns out this scum is illegal.

Signals in the commission against Andrey Gyurov submitted “Votes” and people's representatives, and probably there are also institutional signals. In the end, nearly nine months after the initial signal, there is an institutional opinion on the incompatibility of the deputy governor of the BNB.

According to the changes in the Law on the Bulgarian National Bank, adopted in recent years, at the initiative of “We continue the change”, a procedure was created for the BNB Board of Directors to remove members of the board due to established incompatibility. This court of comrades was ushered in by the rush of “We continue the change” to enter the Eurozone and now their favourite, fell first victim to the rules they themselves set.

„Voices“ was the first media, and for a long time the only one, that paid attention to the facts surrounding Andrey Gyurov. First there was a belated write-off by governing bodies of “Continuing the Change”, then continued participation in an NGO whose charter allows for commercial activity. In his asset declaration, the deputy governor of the BNB also declared a six-figure claim, which is claimed to be from a contract for joint activities. It is not known for which of these facts the incompatibility was established, but in any case, it was established.

What happened is also a shame for the smart beauty media, which all the time pretended that nothing happened.

The subject of Andrey Gyurov's incompatibility was taboo and the few publications that did sneak in were only when the noise became official as a parliamentary hearing. There are only a few colleagues who spoke about Andrey Gyurov's party activity and those who nevertheless asked the BNB for an opinion after the scandal broke out. Now it can be seen that in these pro-European, Euro-Atlantic, and generally sponsored by the “America for Bulgaria” media, as in television, there is censorship of the worst kind, characteristic of countries and times from which these same media claim to want us to move away – “we protect democracy and the rule of law, but we do not apply them and defend them selectively”.