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Black Sea won the Varna derby

At the end of the match, the home fans chanted Resignation

Sep 22, 2024 22:05 40

Black Sea won the Varna derby  - 1

Black Sea won the city derby against Spartak 1918 Varna. “The sailors” won during their visit to the "Spartak" stadium with 2:0. With its success, Black Sea now has 18 points in its assets after 5 wins, three draws and one loss, and came to the third place in the temporary ranking. Spartak 1918 Varna remains with 15 points after 4 wins, three draws and two defeats, BTA reported.

The symbolic visitors opened the scoring in their first serious opportunity. Franjo Pertse made a mistake in bringing the ball into his penalty area, as a result of which it reached Ismail Isa, who was fouled in the 6th minute by Ioan Baurenski and referee Georgi Kabakov awarded a penalty kick. In the 8th minute, Mazir Sula scored from the penalty spot for 1:0 for Black Sea. In the 12th minute “sailors“ they could double their lead. After a cross from a corner, Vlatko Drobarov headed the ball, but it went wide of the goal. In the 17th minute, the home team could have equalized the score. Antonio Vutov broke through the center, played an excellent pass on the left to Akhmed Akhmedov, who advanced and shot, but the ball went wide of the Black Sea goal. In the 23rd minute, Radoslav Dimitrov received the ball on the right side of Spartak 1918 Varna's attack, overcame a Black Sea player and shot, but very inaccurately. In the 25th minute, Christian Ilić sent a cannonball shot from over 30 meters, but the visitors' goalkeeper Plamen Iliev was able to save.

In the 47th minute, Vasil Panayotov intercepted the ball after a cross from a corner, but his shot was weak and the home goalkeeper Martin Velichkov caught it. In the 52nd minute, Daniel Martin crossed from the left into the home team's penalty area, where Ismail Isa intercepted the ball with a heel, but it went wide of the goal of Spartak 1918 Varna. In the 58th minute, Black Sea doubled its lead. Edgar Pacheco was brought out on the left flank of the "sailors" attack. and crossed, and the onrushing Dudu from a few meters intercepted the ball in the home team's goal and scored the second goal for the guests. In the 66th minute, after a mistake by Mateo Petrashilo, the ball reached Ismail Isa, who advanced and shot from 25 meters, but Spartak 1918 Varna guard Martin Velichkov showed his class and saved. In the 68th minute, home goalkeeper Martin Velichkov prevented a certain goal after saving Mazir Sula's shot from 5-6 meters. A minute later, Martin Velichkov saved a dangerous shot from close range by Mazir Sula. In the 73rd minute, Black Sea goalkeeper Plamen Iliev showed great class and managed to save two consecutive shots from Romees Ivey. In the 87th minute, luck was on the side of the hosts. Asen Donchev shot from about 20 meters, but the ball hit the sidebar.

At the end of the match, the home supporters chanted "Resignation".