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Hamas stockpiled weapons in Bulgaria for attacks against Jews in Germany

This is revealed in "Spiegel"

Apr 3, 2024 23:16 187

Hamas stockpiled weapons in Bulgaria for attacks against Jews in Germany - 1

Alleged "Hamas" arms cache was discovered in Bulgaria, claims the German newspaper "Spiegel".

Photos of pistols and magazines were found in the mobile phone of one of a total of four arrested in Berlin and Rotterdam in December on suspicion of ties to "Hamas", BNT specified.

Digital data in the photos led investigators to southern Bulgaria, where the weapons were buried in an envelope under a tree.

Bulgarian police confiscated the arsenal, Spiegel said.

One of those detained before December, born in Lebanon, is said to have been ordered by the military wing of "Hamas" to create weapons caches in Europe for attacks on Jews, mainly in Germany.

Several of the suspects have traveled repeatedly to Poland, but the existence of a hiding place has not been established with certainty. The German authorities were notified by the Israeli secret services.