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A huge meteor was seen by the residents of Portugal (VIDEO)

Май 19, 2024 10:54 110

The meteor was spotted in the sky over Portugal on Saturday evening, the newspaper Publico reported. “A flash of a glowing ball was seen across Portugal on Saturday evening. It was a meteor crossing the atmosphere”, the publication reported, citing eyewitnesses. It is noted that most of the videos of the phenomenon were taken in the northern part of the country.

At the same time, a message about a “meteorite fall” in the area of the municipality of Castro Dairy first appeared on the Civil Defense website, but was later deleted. The publication contacted the firefighters, but they were unable to provide information about the incident.

A meteor is a streak of light that a space object leaves in the night sky as it burns up in the atmosphere. It is often confused with a meteorite, which in turn is a solid body of cosmic origin that fell to the surface of the Earth.