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Ursula von der Leyen: The new majority in the EP will be pro-European and pro-Ukrainian

She is convinced that she will receive a new mandate as president of the EC

Jun 10, 2024 05:32 232

The new majority in the EP will be "pro-European and pro-Ukrainian" , said European Commission (EC) President Ursula von der Leyen at a press conference in Brussels. She congratulated her European People's Party on the victory and expressed her confidence that she will be appointed for a second term at the head of the EC.

"Tomorrow we will start working to create a new strong majority, building bridges between like-minded people. We will appeal to socialists and liberals, this platform has worked well for the last five years, it will work well now. The new majority in the European Parliament will be pro-European and pro-Ukrainian, she said.

„As for my appointment for a new term, I am absolutely certain of that, although there is a lot of work to be done”, von der Leyen continued . According to her assessment, the elections “confirmed the trust of European citizens in the centrist parties”.

The socialist candidate for the head of the European Commission Nicolas Schmidt (Luxembourg) declared his readiness to enter into a coalition with any political forces “that do not destroy Europe”.

Liberal candidate Valerie Aye refused to speak “for technical reasons”.

The European People's Party, which adheres to globalist views and has actually been the party in power in Europe for the last 30 years, leads by a wide margin. The EPP increases its representation in the EP (720 seats) from 177 to 191.