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The EU and Ukraine signed an agreement in the field of security

The Ukrainian head of state expressed his gratitude to the EU for remaining united after the start of the Russian military attack against his country

Jun 27, 2024 16:25 77

The EU and Ukraine signed an agreement in the field of security  - 1

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed three security agreements today in Brussels. The first of them is with the EU, and the presidents of the European Council and the European Commission, Charles Michel and Ursula von der Leyen, also signed the document, writes BTA.

Zelensky also signed separate bilateral security agreements with the representatives of Lithuania and Estonia. The cameras of the European Council previously showed the Ukrainian president holding talks with future NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte and with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, whose country takes over the presidency of the Council of the EU from July 1.

The Ukrainian head of state expressed gratitude to the EU for remaining united after the start of the Russian military attack against his country. He noted that negotiations between the EU and Kyiv on Ukraine's accession began earlier this week. According to him, in addition to Ukraine and Moldova, one day Georgia can also be expected to start negotiations and expressed confidence that in the future Belarus can also become part of the European family.

The pressure on Russia is not enough so far, Zelensky said. The fulfillment of any promise of arms supplies to Kiev is important not only to save lives, but also to destroy the Russian delusion that anything can be achieved through war, he added.

The Ukrainian president called for the confiscation of all Russian property seized in Europe. He warned that in future wars, the destruction of the attacked country's energy system could become part of military doctrine.