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5 days to Island vote: 38% approve Labour, 21% Tories

Nigel Farage's 'Reform UK' also unchanged at 14%

Jun 30, 2024 05:09 99

 5 days to Island vote: 38% approve Labour, 21% Tories  - 1

Five days before UK general election support for Labor is at its lowest level since Rishi Sunak became leader of the Conservative Party and prime minister of the country, according to a new opinion poll by the agency “Savanta”. However, according to another poll, there is no change in public attitudes, BNR reported.

The poll, commissioned by the Sunday Telegraph, shows a four-point drop for Labour, although it still holds a significant 17-point lead over the Tories. 38% of those polled approve of Labour, with the Conservatives remaining at 21% approval. “Reform the United Kingdom” Nigel Farage's also remained unchanged at 14%. However, smaller parties such as the Liberal Democrats and the Greens, as well as independent candidates, have seen a slight improvement.

The political research director of “Savanta” Chris Hopkins commented that despite the drop in the percentage for Labour, the Tories have little reason to be happy, because if this 17 point gap between the two biggest parties persists on July 4, election day, then Labor is likely to have a majority of 200 seats in the House of Commons.

Survey of “Epinium“ for “Observer“ however, it shows that the 20-point gap between Labor and the Conservatives remains and only the “reformers” Farage's score improved by one point. Meanwhile, global superstar Sir Elton John has said he supports Labor and its leader Keir Starmer. The singer has previously supported the Labor Party, declaring in 2006 that he was a fan of Tony Blair.