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Folk love! North Koreans wear badges with Kim Jong-un's face

Recently, Kim Jong-un has taken steps to build a cult of his own personality

Jul 1, 2024 12:09 68

Folk love! North Koreans wear badges with Kim Jong-un's face  - 1

For the first time, North Korean government officials have been spotted wearing badges with the image of head of state Kim Jong -un, reported the Associated Press, quoted by BTA.

The agency sees this as a sign that Pyongyang is stepping up its cult of personality to the level of his late father and grandfather.

North Koreans are required to wear over their hearts badges that for decades have depicted Kim Il-sung or his son Kim Jong-il.

These badges are part of the state mythology surrounding the Kim family, which treats Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il as gods. They are commemorated with numerous statues throughout North Korea, their birthdays are two of the country's major holidays, and their portraits are hung in all homes and offices.

Kim Jong-un has recently begun to take steps to build a cult of his own personality. At the same time, he is trying to get out of the shadow of his father and grandfather's legacy, AP notes.

In May, his portrait, along with the portraits of his father and grandfather, was put on public display for the first time at a Korean Workers' Party school. In January, Kim announced that he would no longer seek peaceful unification with South Korea. This policy was carried out for decades by his father and grandfather, the AP points out.