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A man was arrested for a tattoo of "Russian warship..."

In Russia, the crackdown on citizens who oppose the war in Ukraine continues

Jul 3, 2024 09:19 85

A man was arrested for a tattoo of "Russian warship..."  - 1

Several people in Russia have been convicted or charged for various acts of opposition to the offensive in Ukraine, as part of the ongoing repression in the country, during which hundreds of Russians were sent to prison, writes France Presse, BTA reported.

A resident of Volgograd, the former Stalingrad in the south of the country, was sentenced to 12 years in prison for "treason", Russian news agencies reported. The 19-year-old, who was arrested at the airport as he prepared to fly to Turkey, was accused of transferring funds in 2023 to an organization that raised money to buy drones and other equipment for the Ukrainian army.< /p>

Ukrainian citizen Pavel Zaporozhets became the first Ukrainian convicted of terrorism, notes TASS. According to the verdict, he intended to carry out a bomb attack against the Russian military and against civilians during the festive events on May 9, 2022 in Kherson.

Vsevolod Korolev, a documentary filmmaker who was sentenced to three years in prison in March for posting social media messages condemning mass killings in Ukraine blamed on the Russian army, had his sentence increased to seven years on appeal. reported the news site Mediazona, which specializes in court cases.

Korolyov is an activist who participated in rallies in support of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who died in prison in February. He was accused of spreading "false information" for the Russian army.

Yesterday, a Russian court declared an "extremist association" Alexander Nevzorov and his wife Lidia. The publicist, former MP and former Russian TV star, is now in exile with his wife. The two have already been charged and prosecuted for spreading "false information" for the army. Now the court has ordered the confiscation of their property, reports TASS.

A man has been arrested for having a tattoo with a slogan hostile to the Russian People's Army in Ukraine. He is accused of "discrediting" of the armed forces and "hooliganism", according to Russian news agencies.

Stepan Zimin, who has already been sentenced to prison for taking part in large-scale demonstrations against Vladimir Putin in 2012, has tattooed on the back of his head the famous quote beginning with "Russian Warship" (note. ed. Русский военный корпаль, иди на х*й) - a reference to the famous remark of the Ukrainian Coast Guard officers to the Russian cruiser "Moskva", which called on them to surrender.

Subsequently, the "Moscow", the flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet and named after the Russian capital, was sunk by Ukrainian missiles. The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs released a video in which Stepan Zimin apologized on camera and promised to remove the tattoo. He faces administrative detention.

Since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, any form of dissent has been brutally suppressed by the authorities. According to the non-governmental organization for the protection of human rights "Memorial" there are currently 763 political prisoners in the country. Thousands more are subject to legal harassment or threats. Almost all leading opposition figures in the country are in prison or in exile abroad, AFP recalls.