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USA: Good news for Ukraine coming soon


Jul 2, 2024 19:51 101

Good news for Ukraine on the issue of supplying more air defense systems is expected at the NATO summit in the US capital Washington next week, a senior State Department official said today US Department, quoted by Reuters.

"We hope to be able to raise this issue at the summit and announce news on air defense," the official told the agency on condition of anonymity.

"You have heard that the Ukrainians want to get more systems "Patriot" or similar systems. And I think we'll have more good news for them along those lines," added the anonymous Reuters source, without giving further details.

Ukraine officials have been pushing for months for allies to supply more air defense systems to repel frequent attacks by Russian forces with missiles and drones. The NATO summit will be held from July 9 to 11, and it is planned to solemnly celebrate the 75th anniversary of the creation of the alliance.