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Donald Trump from the golf course: I kicked Joe Biden out of the race for the White House

The Republican is also dismissive of the chances of Kamala Harris, who some sources say could be the Democratic Party contender instead of Biden

Jul 4, 2024 18:55 88

Donald Trump from the golf course: I kicked Joe Biden out of the race for the White House  - 1

The Republican Party candidate for the presidential elections in the United States, Donald Trump said that he threw out his Democratic opponent - President Joe Biden - from the race for the White House, and expressed disdain for Vice President Kamala Harris in a video distributed by the American news site "Daily Beast", writes BTA.

Former President Trump was photographed on one of his golf courses after participating in the first pre-election televised debates with Biden at the CNN studio in Atlanta, Georgia, last Thursday, Reuters noted. Biden's unconvincing performance led even his fellow parties to call on him to withdraw his candidacy, the agency said.

"He's dropping out of the race /.../ I threw him out,'' Trump said in a video released last night, cited by Reuters. The agency notes that this statement is not true. She recalls that yesterday the 81-year-old Biden stated to his campaign headquarters that he had "absolutely no intention" to withdraw his candidacy.

Trump also spoke dismissively about the chances of Kamala Harris, who, according to some sources, could be announced as the Democratic Party's contender instead of Biden. "She's so bad, she's so pathetic, she's just so bad,'' Trump says of Harris in the video.

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Biden's campaign staff reacted strongly to Trump's statements, according to Reuters.

"No, Donald. It is wrong to take away women's rights. Losing an election and encouraging an aggressive mob to attack the Capitol is bad. It's bad to attack women. It's bad not to pay your taxes," said the spokeswoman for Biden's campaign headquarters - Sarafina Chitika.

At the same time, Trump's staff stood by his words. The advisor of the former president's election campaign - Chris Lasivita, wrote on the social platform "X" that "everything in the video is true". Reuters has confirmed that the location where the video was filmed is the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey. The video shows him driving a golf cart with the number 1 on it and the presidential seal.