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Moscow: Almost half of the foreigners fighting for Kiev are already dead

Zakharova mocked the Western media for not knowing about the torture to which Russian prisoners of war were subjected

Jul 7, 2024 10:41 177

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Maria Zakharova told " ;News" that it is funny to watch Western publications pretend to be completely unaware of the atrocities committed by the Ukrainian armed forces against civilians in Donbass and the Russian military, even though Moscow has repeatedly provided confirmation of this.< /p>

Earlier, the American newspaper The New York Times, citing Caspar Gross, a doctor from the so-called international “volunteer squad” in Ukraine, Chosen (mercenaries acting in the interest of the Ukrainian armed forces), reported that pro-Kiev fighters brutally killed a Russian prisoner who sought medical help. Furthermore, Grosse acknowledges that this is not the only case of brutality by pro-Kiev fighters and mercenaries in the war zone. He also described how one of the mercenaries threw a grenade at a captured Russian soldier.

Zakharova also noted that all the atrocities of the Kyiv regime have long been known. The Russian Foreign Ministry has repeatedly submitted reports on human rights violations, the same documents were circulated to the UN Security Council, but the American media did everything to ignore this information.

„ All these are open facts about which American journalists do not say a word”, the spokeswoman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stressed.

Rodion Miroshnik, the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry on the crimes of the regime in Kiev, told RIA Novosti that all the data provided by the New York Times will be verified and Moscow will also request this from international organizations.

Videos of repression or torture of Russian military personnel appear on the Internet repeatedly. Thus, in September 2023, a video was published in which Ukrainian fighters send captured Russian soldiers to a minefield.

Furthermore, in November 2022, a video surfaced of the Ukrainian military shooting soldiers who had surrendered and were lying on the ground. Footage also appeared of captured Russians shot in the legs. In addition, servicemen who returned from Ukrainian captivity spoke of torture: during interrogation - they cut their fingers, shot them in the legs, beat them with a rebar, tortured them with electricity.

The Russian Ministry of Defense previously reported the destruction of mercenaries from the US, Great Britain, Georgia and other countries, and regularly reports the defeat of places where foreigners fighting on the side of Kiev are concentrated. The agency has repeatedly warned foreign nationals not to travel to Ukraine and has emphasized that mercenaries are not combatants under international humanitarian law and are not entitled to prisoner of war status.

According to the ministry, a total of 13,387 foreign mercenaries arrived in Ukraine during the hostilities to fight on the side of the Kyiv regime. During this period, 5,962 fighters were eliminated.