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New stricter rules for checking passengers at Turkish airports

The new rules will be in line with the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention)

Jul 5, 2024 11:42 107

New stricter rules for checking passengers at Turkish airports  - 1

Rules for checking passengers at Turkish airports are being tightened, Turkish news site Internethaber reports . The Turkish parliament adopted late last night amendments to the law on civil aviation, which tighten the procedures for checking passengers at airports, specifies the edition quoted by BTA.

The new rules will be in line with the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention), which allows security officers to search passengers' belongings at the entrance to the terminal and at the entrance to the boarding area. This applies to both personal baggage and electronic devices.

If the passenger refuses to submit their belongings for inspection, they will not be allowed into the airport or the departure area. Prohibited items will be confiscated on the spot.

The main airports in Turkey have two checkpoints. The points are equipped with modern equipment and, if necessary, physical searches are carried out.

Amendments passed last night also introduce fines ranging from $620 to $15,600 if flight crew fail to notify authorities of in-flight violations on board.