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Security agreement between Slovenia and Ukraine will not be signed in Washington

Slovenian President Natasha Pirc Musar was expected to sign the agreement during her visit to Ukraine last week, but Kiev had reservations about the project

Jul 5, 2024 14:24 73

Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob will not sign the security agreement with Ukraine at the NATO summit in Washington next week, as the wording of the agreement's text is still being finalized at Slovenia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Slovenian deputy prime minister said after a cabinet meeting Matei Archon, quoted by the STA agency. "The agreement is in the finalization phase at the ministry level," Archon said, quoted by BTA.

A day before Archon's statements yesterday, at the meeting of the Slovenian parliamentary committee on foreign policy on Wednesday, it was stated that negotiations on the agreement are continuing.

Slovenian President Natasha Pirc Musar was expected to sign the agreement during her visit to Ukraine last week, but Kiev had reservations about the project because it did not specify specific obligations, the agency noted.

Prior to his visit to Kyiv, Pirc Mussar explained that the agreement would be modeled on similar agreements signed by Ukraine with other countries willing to help it.

„This is a commitment to continue aid to Ukraine as long as necessary,” she said, quoted by the RBC-Ukraine information portal.

The agreement, prepared by the ministries of defense and foreign affairs, is not a binding international treaty, but only expresses political will to support Ukraine.

Ukraine has already signed similar bilateral security agreements with 18 countries, notes STA.