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Serbian opposition leader: Vucic and his son should be locked in a mine and bombarded with uranium

The opposition leader also said that Danilo Vucic's security should be terminated and he should be sent alone to Kosovo

Jul 8, 2024 10:25 280

Serbian opposition leader: Vucic and his son should be locked in a mine and bombarded with uranium  - 1

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic reacts through his Instagram profile regarding threats directed against his son Danilo. "They have been saying the worst and harshest words for years. Society is silent, prosecutor's office, police, court are silent. Today they said they are going to sprinkle my son with uranium. He is no longer a child, but he will always be my son. And I will never allow you to do this to any child in Serbia!“, said the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic in a post on Instagram, reported in "Politics", BTA reported.

Opposition leader Sarjan Shkoro, chairman of the "Rebellion" movement, appeared yesterday on the provincial television station KTV in Zrenjanin and presented a "torture plan". of President Vucic's older son - Danilo. Shkoro stated that the son, along with his father, of whom he is the "image and likeness", should be imprisoned in a mine, where they will be "poured over with uranium". Shkoro's idea is that the cameras record everything so that "people can see". The opposition leader did not stop there, but said that Danilo Vucic's security should be terminated and that he should be left without protection and sent alone to Kosovo, reports the "Kurir".

The "monstrous death threats" Serbian Prime Minister Milos Vučević also reacted to Danilo Vučić, who said that these were "new shameless attacks against the Vučić family". The Serbian Prime Minister expressed his expectation that the state authorities will react to the threats against the president's son.

"In the eyes of this human scum, Danilo's only sin is that he bears the honorable surname Vucic and that he is a decent and normal young man, brought up to love his Serbia. I expect that the state authorities will react to the threats against the president's son and that certain political and media circles that constantly target Danilo Vučić will be sanctioned, Vučević said. Threats, fabrication of affairs and fake news against the family of President Aleksandar Vucic are part of a strategy developed by the centers whose only interest is to stop the further development and strengthening of Serbia, assessed the Serbian Prime Minister and Chairman of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party.< /p>