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Political chaos ensues in France

President Macron refuses to appoint a prime minister from the left

Aug 27, 2024 10:19 97

Political chaos ensues in France  - 1

Political chaos ensues in France after President Emmanuel Macron refused to appoint a prime minister from the left, which won the most seats in early parliamentary elections last month, writes the British "Guardian", quoted by BTA in the press review.

The British edition notes that today the consultations with the president on the formation of a new government are expected to continue in order to find a prime minister who enjoys the support of the various factions in the parliament.

The president hoped that the consultations with the parliamentaryly represented forces would contribute to overcoming the political deadlock caused by the elections. After the vote, the National Assembly was divided into three camps with almost equal numbers - left, center and extreme right, none of them having a majority.

After two days of negotiations with party and parliamentary leaders, Macron's decision not to appoint a representative of the left-wing coalition "New People's Front" as prime minister. was met with discontent and threats to remove the president from office.

Last night, the Elysée Palace released a statement saying that the talks held on Friday and yesterday had been "honest, sincere and useful" but had not led to a workable solution. Government of the "New People's Front" would lead to an immediate vote of no confidence and the downfall of this government, explains President Macron's reasons.

"This government would immediately gather against itself a majority of more than 350 deputies, which would prevent it from functioning. In the light of the opinions expressed by the political leaders who participated in the consultations, the institutional stability of our country requires us not to go down this path," the head of state also said.

"Guardian" draws attention to Macron's call for "all political leaders to demonstrate behavior appropriate to the situation and to show responsibility". The British publication quoted the French president as saying that his task is to ensure that "the country is neither blocked nor weakened".

After the president announced his position, the "New People's Front" stated that he will no longer participate in any talks unless it is about the left coalition forming a government, notes "Guardian".

Macron rejected the option of a government of the "New Popular Front" and gave himself more time, he writes in "Figaro". The head of state will continue today with the consultations on the formation of a new government, the French publication indicates. Forty-two days after the resignation of Gabriel Atal, France still does not have a prime minister, "Figaro" states. Two days of consultations with Emmanuel Macron proved insufficient to reach a compromise. Without provoking much surprise, Emmanuel Macron ruled out last night the possibility of a government of the "New Popular Front", writes the French newspaper "Mond".