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Senior Lieutenant and Major are the fallen pilots of the L-39 aircraft

Their names will be officially announced after the families and relatives of the fallen pilots are notified

Sep 13, 2024 15:28 483

Senior Lieutenant and Major are the fallen pilots on an L-39 aircraft. This learned FACTS from informed sources.

Their names will be officially announced after the families and relatives of the dead pilots are notified.

The L-39 training aircraft has been in service in Bulgaria since 1994. Then Bulgaria received 36 aircraft from Czechoslovakia, and in 2014 only 6 of them remained flying, which underwent repairs at the Bulgarian military-industrial complex.


In 2022, Bulgaria concluded a framework agreement with an already Czech corporation for the repair of two machines, which were successfully repaired. In 2024, a new agreement was concluded for the remaining machines, which are based at the training base in Dolna Metropolia.

According to BNT sources, the plane performed a complex maneuver at extremely low altitude. The catapult was not activated, respectively the parachute system was not activated. There may have been an accident in the on-board system, in the avionics. Maybe the pilot himself who was flying the machine got some kind of health problem.

On the other hand, the planes that are scheduled to participate in the air show have been repaired and their flight resource after the repair in the Czech Republic has been increased to 7 and a half years, and in practice they are modern training machines. Perhaps the weather conditions also influenced the incident, but for now these are only hypotheses.