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Israeli strikes kill six UN agency staff

Palestinian ambassador to UK praises heart-warming support from Britons

Sep 12, 2024 05:52 74

Israeli strikes kill six UN agency staff  - 1

Israeli strikes kill six UN agency staff to help Palestinian refugees in Nuseirat, in the central part of the Gaza Strip, reported Reuters, quoted by BTA.

This is the case with the most victims of the agency's personnel, Reuters specifies.

Representatives of hospitals in the coastal territory said yesterday that at least 34 people, including 19 women and children, were killed Wednesday in Israeli airstrikes in Gaza that hit a school run by the United Nations agency for Palestine refugees, the AP reported. .

The Palestinian Authority's ambassador to the UK yesterday expressed appreciation for the “heartwarming” British support for calls for a ceasefire in Gaza and for an end to the killing of civilians, DPA and PA Media reported, quoted by BTA.

The head of the Palestinian diplomatic mission in Britain, Hussam Zomlot, received a storm of support at the Trade Union Congress conference – Britain's leading trade union after highlighting the civilian toll as well as houses, hospitals, schools and universities destroyed.

Zomlot told delegates in the southern English city of Brighton that Britain and London had become the “epicenter” of global solidarity because of the tens of thousands of people who joined protests and demonstrations.

"Your support warms the heart. "The unity of the British people is truly inspiring," he said.

Referring to the conference's motto calling for a new deal for workers in England, Zomlot said a new deal was needed for the world.

He welcomed the British government's recent decision to revoke 30 licenses to export military equipment to Israel that is used in operations in the Gaza Strip, but added that the move was not enough.

"It is simply unacceptable for the UK to continue to supply any weapons to Israel, which is a gross violation of international law,” Zomlot said.

The diplomat also said that the Palestinian people will survive the attempt to be “erased” and will rebuild Gaza, regardless of the “unbridled aggression” of Israel.

"We will make a huge effort to rebuild and we will need your experts, your engineers, teachers and professors,” added the Palestinian.