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Neshkov: Why does Mickoski cut his shirt against Bulgaria, but is silent about the books that Macedonia was Old Serbia

"As much as I am James Bond, Mickoski will change the negotiating framework for the RSM. Who will he negotiate with? First, this composition of the European Commission has resigned. We see an elementary propaganda. It borders on primitivism at the moment, commented the journalist

Sep 17, 2024 07:48 107

Neshkov: Why does Mickoski cut his shirt against Bulgaria, but is silent about the books that Macedonia was Old Serbia - 1

„Nothing was missing because there was no official visit and the protocol for such meetings does not require it. With such visits, they do not necessarily even take place in the presidency.“

This is how journalist Lyubcho Neshkov commented in the Euronews Primetime studio on the hysteria that broke out in North Macedonia because of the photo of North Macedonian President Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova and her Bulgarian colleague Rumen Radev, in which the two are posing against the background of the flags of Bulgaria and the EU.

„They could have met in the opera or in the cafe of the Archaeological Museum. After all, Bulgaria demonstrated respect and friendship and the meeting took place at the presidency, added Neshkov.

It's just that their hearts beat at the frequencies of ’45. Not at 45 degrees, but at the ’45th year. This is what they want to tell us: “We will be here and rule this country, only on one condition – no relations with Bulgaria, we will indoctrinate with hatred, we will manipulate them, we will lie, he added.

„The ideology of Macedonianism is a complete blockage of relations with Bulgaria, even at the price of crossing out the European perspective at the moment,”, the journalist pointed out.

Neshkov noted that Davkova's visit became an occasion for a new dose of anti-Bulgarian nationalist rhetoric from the government in RSM. Neshkov asked why Mickoski cuts short his shirt against Bulgaria, presenting himself as a great defender of (North) Macedonian national interests, but is silent about the nationalist manifestations in Serbia.

Mickoski doesn't mind that Belgrade publishes books, that Macedonia is South Banovina, that it was Old Serbia... it doesn't bother him that in Serbia they are currently organizing scientific conferences about the “old Serbian cultural- historical past in Macedonia”. It doesn't bother him. There is no reaction, commented Lyubcho Neshkov. According to him, the European Union should put pressure on our south-western neighbor in order to fulfill its international commitments.

„As much as I am James Bond, Mickoski will change the negotiating framework for the PCM. Who will he negotiate with? First, this composition of the European Commission has resigned. We see an elementary propaganda. At the moment it borders on primitivism”, the journalist comments on the ambitions of the (North) Macedonian Prime Minister to change the negotiation framework of his country with the EU, part of which is the obligation of the Bulgarians to be recognized in the Constitution of North Macedonia as one of the state-forming communities in the state.