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CIA sex predator who drugged and raped dozens of women gets 30 years in prison

Victims described Brian Raymond as seeming nice and educated

Sep 19, 2024 05:05 83

CIA sex predator who drugged and raped dozens of women gets 30 years in prison  - 1

Longtime CIA agent who drugged, filmed and sexually assaulted more than two dozen women while on business trips around the world, was sentenced to 30 years in prison after an emotional hearing in which the victims described being duped by a man who appeared kind, educated and part of an agency, " which should protect the world from evil“, the Associated Press reported, quoted by BTA.

Brian Jeffrey Raymond, with a graying beard and an orange prison jumpsuit, sat dejected as he heard his sentence for one of the worst violations in CIA history. It was described in his own library of over 500 photographs, which in some cases show him groping his naked, unconscious victims.

"We can safely say that he is a sexual predator,” said U.S. Superior Court Judge Colleen Kolar-Kotelly, imposing the full sentence that prosecutors sought. "You will have time to think about it”.