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Over a thousand Parisians demonstrated against the new prime minister and demanded Macron's resignation

The protest was organized by left-wing parties as well as youth and feminist organizations

Sep 22, 2024 06:18 69

Over a thousand Parisians demonstrated against the new prime minister and demanded Macron's resignation  - 1

More than a thousand people demonstrated in Paris to express disagreement with the policy of French President Emmanuel Macron and his decision to appoint Michel Barnier as Prime Minister, TASS reported.

The protest was organized by left-wing parties, as well as youth and feminist organizations. The protesters called on Macron to resign, expressing dissatisfaction with the appointment of a prime minister who comes from the Republican Party, which performed poorly in the last parliamentary elections.

According to the agency, the atmosphere of the demonstration was peaceful. Around 50 demonstrations took place across France on Saturday.

A new government was earlier approved after several weeks of intensive consultations. The new head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the Minister Delegate for European Affairs, Jean-Noel Barot, who replaces Stéphane Séjournet of the President's Party in this post, Bruno Retaillo will take the post of head of the Ministry of the Interior, and Didier Migot will head the Supreme Committee for transparency of public life.