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Warsaw: Moscow scares Poles over floods

Poland accuses Russia of information-psychological operation in cyberspace

Sep 23, 2024 06:49 96

Warsaw: Moscow scares Poles over floods  - 1

Polish military accuses Russia of “information-psychology operation in cyberspace" in connection with the floods in the country, without citing specific facts.

Due to unusually heavy rains, floods have occurred in southern Poland - rivers burst their banks, settlements were flooded, people are being evacuated and several deaths are already known. Poland's Cabinet of Ministers introduced a natural disaster regime in flood-prone areas.

“Due to the floods occurring in the southwestern part of Poland, we are dealing with an information-psychological operation of the Russian Federation,” said a statement published on the official account of the Cyber Defense Forces of the Polish Armed Forces on the X platform.

The Polish military claims that Russia “uses selective information selection techniques in cyberspace and seeks to induce emotions of fear and helplessness in recipients”.
It is alleged that one of the elements of the “operation” is “an attempt to undermine confidence in Poland's state security structures”.