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Explosion at gas station in Dagestan kills ten people VIDEO

Today is a day of national mourning in the Russian republic

Sep 28, 2024 05:08 52

Explosion at gas station in Dagestan kills ten people VIDEO  - 1

Ten people, including two children, died in an explosion at a gas station in the southern Russian republic of Dagestan last night, the Ministry of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of Russia announced, as quoted by TASS and Reuters.

In the statement published on the social network "Telegram", it is stated that 11 people were injured in the explosion near the capital of Dagestan - Makhachkala. The rescue teams pulled people out from under the rubble and brought the fire under control.

The gas station building was destroyed, two cars and a truck were also damaged. Criminal proceedings have been initiated in the case.

The regional energy operator "Dagenergo" reported that the explosion damaged "energy facilities" and that the power supply in the nearby areas is partially interrupted.

The Russian Ministry of Health reported that "seven victims of the gas station explosion near the village of Novi Hushet are being treated in hospital." Another four received outpatient treatment and were sent home, bringing the number of injured to 11. The injuries of those hospitalized are of moderate severity, and they are undergoing all necessary examinations and treatment.

The authorities of Dagestan announced September 28 as a day of mourning for those who died in the gas station explosion, the head of the Russian region Sergey Melikov announced on his Telegram channel.