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NATO pressures Zelensky to negotiate with Putin

Zelensky's trip to the US was disastrous and did not achieve the result he wanted

Oct 7, 2024 07:22 136

NATO pressures Zelensky to negotiate with Putin  - 1

Western partners have begun a new phase of pressure on Kiev to become more accommodating on of the conditions for ending the war, writes the Spanish newspaper El Pais.

The publication notes that many observers called the results of President Volodymyr Zelensky's trip to the US at the end of September disastrous. Republicans have made it clear that Kiev's first priority must include concessions to Russia to end the war. And President Joe Biden, despite announcing a new military aid package, has refused to lift restrictions on the use of missiles against Russia.

Presidential candidate Donald Trump openly humiliated Zelensky at his election rallies the entire time the Ukrainian leader was in the United States, writes the publication, quoted by the UNIAN agency. And Zelensky's speech at the UN did not find the expected response from the rest of the world.

It is noted that Zelensky tried to present to his partners a “victory plan” that would allow them to enter into negotiations with the Russian Federation from a position of strength. But Ukraine's partners simply want these negotiations to take place as soon as possible, writes El Pais.

„We need an end to this war”, German Foreign Minister Analena Berbock said ultimatum at the UN. According to her, peace is necessary so that Russia does not destroy all of Ukraine.

„The Plan for Victory” of Zelensky calls for Ukraine to join NATO within a few months. On September 27, at the Helsinki Security Forum, Finnish President Alexander Stubb announced the impossibility of Ukraine joining the Atlantic Alliance in such a short time.

In recent weeks, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry had several times to give angry responses to various “peace proposals”. In particular, Ukrainian diplomats were forced to respond to the words of Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Szykorski about turning Crimea into a UN protectorate, to the opinion of Czech President Petar Pavel about the loss of territories from Ukraine as “realistic” scenario of the end of the war and the statement of the spokesman of the Swiss Foreign Ministry, Nicolas Bideau, in support of the peace proposal from China and Brazil.

According to military analysts, it is currently impossible for Ukraine or Russia to make a decisive breakthrough on the front that would end the war. Among Western countries, there is fatigue and a desire for peace negotiations. Zelensky's cabinet has so far said that it will not give up its territories at the expense of peace with Vladimir Putin. But without Western support, Ukraine will lose the war, and it seems that the West wants Ukraine to start negotiations with Putin.