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Measles cases are decreasing

In the last week, not a single one was registered

Sep 23, 2024 10:07 118

Measles cases are decreasing  - 1

In recent weeks, no new cases of measles have been registered in our country. This was announced in the studio of “Hello, Bulgaria” the former director of the National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Prof. Todor Kantarjiev. According to him, we have dealt with this infection as a society and we have almost eliminated it.

The professor recalled that despite the coming cooler months, it is good whenever possible to ventilate the premises.

„The cases of whooping cough have decreased in our country, thanks to vaccines. The so-called whooping cough plagued Europe a lot. A normal European should vaccinate their children. The vaccine against whooping cough is combined with that against polio and against diphtheria”, the virologist emphasized.

Prof. Kantarjiev assured that in autumn and winter, infections carried by mosquitoes and ticks will decrease drastically.

The Ministry of Health announced that flu vaccines are now in the pharmacy network. The professor recalled that it is good to place them in October and November.