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After midnight, the National Assembly forbade Asen Vassilev to spend money on pensions, salaries and budget payments

Deputies set up a commission on "Turkish Stream"

Apr 4, 2024 05:40 70

After midnight, the National Assembly forbade Asen Vassilev to spend money on pensions, salaries and budget payments - 1

A little after midnight, the deputies adopted another draft decision to take measures to guarantee the financial stability and fiscal liquidity of the country. Its importers are Temenuzka Petkova from GERB-SDS and Yordan Tsonev from DPS, BNR reported.

The adopted decision obliges the resigned Finance Minister Asen Vassilev to immediately suspend spending under the consolidated fiscal program for pensions, labor remunerations, urgent social payments and maturity payments on the national debt until the appointment of the caretaker government. He has been given a deadline of April 9 to present to the National Assembly a complete and detailed report on available liquidity and planned expenses for dates in the period April 4-10.

And one more obligation - to set aside funds to ensure pension payments. The decision was adopted with 131 votes "for". Before the vote, the PP-DB MPs left the hall.

With 182 votes "For" and only 1 "against" - from GERB-SDS, the parliament decided to create a temporary commission to establish the facts and circumstances regarding the missing strategic document "Road map for the implementation of the project for the expansion of the gas transmission system" as well as the implementation of the "Turkish Stream" project. on Bulgarian territory. The proposal for the commission came from PP DB. The deputies elected the 12 members of the commission, but did not agree on a chairman. In the hall, there was a sharp exchange of remarks and threats for future meetings with the Prosecutor's Office.

"The idea of this commission is to give a tribune to the then rulers in the person of Mr. Borisov and Mrs. Petkova, so that they can answer where this infamous road map is, and why it is not actually in the office of the Bulgarian state, and is found in the e-mails of Russian MPs. Who and how much stole from the construction of the "Turkish Stream" pipeline? I can't wait to see your faces when we send the document to the Prosecutor's Office", said Venko Sabrutev from PP-DB.

In response, Temenuzka Petkova from GERB-SDS showed a report dated August 3, 2022, published in her words on the website of the PP. The report is from an inspection ordered by Kiril Petkov, in his capacity as Prime Minister at the time.

"This report very clearly states: The copy of a road map provided by DANS does not give grounds for legal conclusions regarding its content. Where is the road map? Where is? DANS gave you this road map and you don't say where it is. What did you see on it? It's just that what you saw doesn't satisfy you, because there is nothing in this commemorative note on the other side that contradicts the national interest," said Temenuzka Petkova from GERB-SDS.

Slightly before midnight, another commission was also voted - to verify the necessity of the received derogation used by "Lukoil" and the economic effect of it for our country, and the regime in Russia. It was reached after PP-DB and GERB-SDS reached a compromise not to expand the scope of the "Turkish Stream" commission. Only "Vazrazhdane" voted against this commission. A chairman was never proposed.

On the proposal of the PG of the ITN, the National Assembly agreed to establish a temporary commission to investigate the corruption practices in the "Customs" Agency. and the possible role of Asen Vasilev in them. The commission will be headed by Toshko Yordanov. PP-DB voted against, as their condition to support the proposal was not accepted.

"On the day of the arrest of employees of the "Customs" Agency we go out and try to make a commission of inquiry. If this is not idiocy and complete stupidity, but since no one is above the law, I call on you, if you still have a little sense, to support this commission without this insulting title to Asen Vassilev", stated PP co-chairman Kiril Petkov.

ITN refused to change their proposal. "The arrest is of a person whom Asen Vassilev personally appointed to the "Customs" Agency, so I want to check Asen Vassilev's long arm, how far it has reached, what it has grabbed from under the table, so that we can make an expedient decision, yes the National Assembly will consider whether to help the state arrest him," said Stanislav Balabanov from ITN.