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Who is the candidate for foreign minister, Daniel Mitov?

The request of the caretaker prime minister comes less than a week after the appointment of the cabinet

Apr 16, 2024 08:34 130

Who is the candidate for foreign minister, Daniel Mitov? - 1

Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev proposed a reshuffle in the caretaker cabinet - Daniel Mitov to take the position of foreign minister.

The caretaker prime minister's request comes less than a week after the cabinet was appointed and after the post has already been rotated once. Hours before the swearing in of the caretaker government, it turned out that the country's first diplomat will not be our long-time consul in Austria, Ivaylo Tsenov, but our ambassador to Montenegro, Stefan Dimitrov, BNT recalls.

Mitov, who is the deputy chairman of the GERB party and a deputy in the 49th National Assembly, previously headed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Here is his biography:

In 2002, he graduated in political science at the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski“. In 2001 – In 2002, he specialized in political skills at the Center for Continuing Education of the NBU. Participates in the exchange programs "Marshall" of the Marshall Memorial Fund (German Marshall Fund of the US), as well as in the "Programme des personnalites d’avenir" of the French Foreign Ministry. Member of the Youth Conservative Club (YCC) since 2000.

In 2002, he started working at the Political Academy for Central and South-Eastern Europe and as a member of the editorial team of the magazine “Razum”. He works as an expert in the “Publications“ department. of NSI. Since 2006, he has been the executive director of the “Demokratia“ foundation.

In 2010, he went to the mission of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) of the USA in Iraq, where he is the program manager of the Program for the Development and Support of Political Parties. In 2012, he returned to Bulgaria, but soon after he was appointed as the permanent representative of the Scientific Research Institute in Brussels. As a representative of NDI, he also works in Libya, Congo, Ukraine, Yemen, Tunisia, etc.

In 2006, he became a member of the Democrats for a Strong Bulgaria (DSB) party and ran in the by-elections for the European Parliament in 2007. The elections ended unsuccessfully for the party and its entire leadership, led by the leader Ivan Kostov, resigned. During the election of the new leadership, Daniel Mitov applied for and was elected the deputy chairman of the DSB. In the parliamentary elections in 2009, he was a candidate for deputy and leader of the proportional list of the Blue Coalition in the 13th Pazardzhik constituency, but failed to enter the parliament.

In 2012, Daniel Mitov, together with Proshko Proshkov, Petar Nikolov and Hristo Angelichin, left the DSB and joined the Bulgaria Movement of Citizens party, founded by former European Commissioner Meglena Kuneva. He was elected a member of the National Council of the party and remained so until the fall of 2012, when, due to his commitments to the NDI, he retired from politics.

In 2021, he was elected as a deputy of GERB-SDS in the XLV National Assembly. After the elections in July 2021, he was proposed as Prime Minister in the draft cabinet of the GERB–SDS, but after he did not receive the necessary support in the parliament, he returned the exploratory mandate to the President. From 13.05.2021, he is the deputy chairman of GERB.

On August 6, 2014, Daniel Mitov was appointed by President Rosen Plevneliev as Minister of Foreign Affairs in the caretaker government of Georgi Bliznashki. Keeps the post in the next government as well – the second by Boyko Borisov.

Daniel Mitov is a deputy in several successive parliaments.