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They are restoring a legendary hospital created at the request of Queen Joanna in the village of Raduntsi

The plans of the private investor are to divide the building into a hospital part and a sanatorium

Май 3, 2024 14:29 251

They are restoring a legendary hospital created at the request of Queen Joanna in the village of Raduntsi  - 1

Investor begins the restoration of the hospital in the Mughal village of Raduntsi. The medical facility has not been functioning for more than 8 years, and the need for it was actively discussed during the Covid pandemic, reported Bulgaria ON AIR.

The hospital in Raduntsi was established at the request of Queen Joanna. Construction began in 1933. The site for construction was chosen by doctors and scientists who, after a 20-month study, determined that the location of the village in Stara Planina is suitable for all kinds of lung problems.

The medical facility, which has been forgotten for years, found its new owner at an auction. The plans of the private investor are to divide the building into a hospital part and a sanatorium.

"Raduntsi will again become the place where people will return, receive health care, treatment. In a modern European complex that will meet all requirements", promised investor Georgi Keranov.

A multi-million dollar investment is planned, with hospital beds expected to be over 350. The medical facility will offer free access and will work with the health fund. A residential part for the staff will also be built.

"The state did absolutely nothing to help this investment happen, and in the absence of a municipal hospital in Maglizh and a renewed emergency care branch, the reconstruction and functioning of this hospital complex will be of extremely great social importance,'' said the mayor of the municipality of Maglizh Dr. Dusho Gavazov.

Clearing of the grounds and the building has already begun. The preparation of a project by Bulgarian and foreign architects is pending. The new hospital complex should be ready in 2026.