Last news in Fakti

Hail and torrential rains hit the southern regions of the country

The situation is most serious in Kardzhali region and Smolyan region

Май 3, 2024 19:10 67

Hail and torrential rains hit the southern regions of the country  - 1

On the day of the orange code, hail fell in Kardzhali and other settlements in the region. Dozens of motor vehicle drivers stopped their cars by the roadway between the regional town and Chernoochene, reported

The pea-sized chunks of ice also caused damage to farmers, the victims said. The torrential rain and hail came down after 11.30am today.

Intense rainfall is observed over the extreme southern regions of our country, specifically over Kardzhali region and Smolyan region.

Precipitation over these areas exceeded 20-30l/sq.m intensity in one hour (that is, heavy downpour). If it continues to rain like this, it will raise the riverbed levels in the area.