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The court freed the businessman Vasil Bozhkov from house arrest

According to his defense, the prosecutor's office is keeping the case "in limbo"

Май 7, 2024 14:11 152

The court freed the businessman Vasil Bozhkov from house arrest  - 1

The Sofia city court released the businessman Vasil Bozhkov from house arrest. The court reasons that eight months have already passed since his detention.

According to the court, there is no danger that Bozhkov will commit a crime while at liberty. There is no risk of the businessman influencing the collection of evidence either. There is also no danger that he will go into hiding.

After a few days ago, the Sofia City Prosecutor's Office (SGP) submitted an indictment to the court in an investigation into an organized criminal group for extortion, official and corruption crimes, Bozhkov's lawyers requested a change to his pretrial detention.

Vasil Bozhkov was brought to court as an instigator in complicity with officials from the State Gambling Commission (DKH), who allowed fees due under the Gambling Act not to be charged and collected in full. As a result of the criminal activity, damages were caused to the state budget in the amount of BGN 559,739,164.70, and much lower fees were collected.

His lawyers recalled that in September, when the Court of Appeal upheld his measure, the judges took into account that Bozhkov could obstruct the investigation or abscond. During those eight months, his behavior was decent and he did not abuse.

According to his defense, the case against him is "being kept in limbo", as there is not much procedural action on the case. This statement was contested by the prosecution, according to which the actions are conducted efficiently.