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May 9 - Europe Day (VIDEO)

The European Union is born

Май 9, 2024 04:08 236

May 9 is declared Europe Day. On this date in 1950 in Paris, the first step towards the creation of the European Union was taken.

Then in Paris, amid the threat of a third world war that would engulf all of Europe, French Foreign Minister Robert Schumann read to the international press a declaration calling on France, Germany and other European countries to unite their production of coal and steel as a “first step towards a European federation”. He proposes the creation of a supranational European institution to govern the coal and steel industries – a sector which at the time was the basis of military power. The countries to which he makes his appeal have almost destroyed each other in a terrible conflict that has left behind a sense of material and moral devastation. That's why everything starts on this day.

That is why, at the meeting of EU leaders in Milan in 1985, it was decided to celebrate May 9 as “Europe Day”. From then until today, May 9 has symbolized the quest for unity, peace and prosperity in Europe. Europe Day is an occasion for festive appearances in many European countries. This is another way for people of different nations to feel united as Europeans. This date became a symbol of the United Europe along with the blue flag with gold stars, the Ode to Joy from Beethoven's Ninth Symphony to a text by Friedrich Schiller and the single currency /euro/. In this way, two significant moments in the history of the continent are united in the hearts of people – the victory over fascism and Hitlerism, born of united efforts and deeply suffered, and the pursuit of prosperity and peace. Did the millions left on the fields of World War II not only as soldiers, but also as peaceful and innocent citizens – women, children and adults destroyed in the Nazi concentration camps have found peace after so much suffering, looking at the supposedly peaceful Europe of today from another world of their unlived life. Wars are not over in the world and 66 years after the end of the Second World War, the suffering is too much in the world, and one hope remains a new Europe.

Every country that has democratically chosen to join the European Union supports its core values – peace and solidarity. These values find expression in economic and social development with environmental and regional dimensions that guarantee a decent standard of living for all citizens. Although Europe has existed for centuries, the elements that united it in the absence of rules and institutions in the past were insufficient to prevent terrible tragedies.

The integration of Europe will not become a fact in a day or even in a few decades. There are still many flaws and obvious imperfections. The project, started immediately after World War II, is still new. In the past, efforts for a European Union were based on the dominance of one group over another. These attempts could not last long because the conquered had only one desire: to regain their freedom. Today's ambition is completely different: to build a Europe that respects the freedom and identity of all its citizens. Only by uniting its peoples could Europe take control of its destinies and play a positive role in the world. The European Union serves its citizens. Although they retain their specific values, customs and language, European citizens should feel comfortable and at ease in their “European home”. In Bulgaria, it was announced by Resolution 54 of the Council of Ministers of March 29, 2005 to celebrate May 9 – Europe Day.

Here is the full text of the Declaration:

"World peace cannot be preserved without creative efforts proportionate to the dangers that threaten it.

The contribution of an organized and vibrant Europe to civilization is very important for the maintenance of peaceful relations. At the forefront of the struggle for a united Europe for more than 20 years, France has always had as its primary goal the service of peace. Unification of Europe was not achieved and it came to war.

The unification of Europe will not happen suddenly or according to some special plan. It will be built through concrete achievements that first create a sense of solidarity. The unification of the peoples of Europe required the abolition of the age-old antagonism between France and Germany. Any action taken must first concern these two parties.

In view of this, the French Government proposes immediate action on one particular very important point.

It proposed that Franco-German coal and steel production as a whole should be placed under the control of a common High Authority within an organization open to participation by the other European countries. The unification of coal and steel production would immediately create a basis for economic development as a first step towards a European federation and change the fortunes of regions long devoted to the production of arms, of which they themselves were most often the victims.

The solidarity in production thus established will make a possible war between France and Germany not just unthinkable, but practically impossible. The creation of this powerful industrial union, open to all interested countries and aiming to provide all member states with basic raw materials for industrial production under the same conditions, will lay the real foundations of their economic union.

This production will be offered to the world at large - without preference or exception - in order to contribute to the improvement of living standards and the promotion of peaceful achievements. Europe will be able, with more funds, to strive towards the fulfillment of one of its main tasks: the development of the African continent.

In this way it will quickly become clear that the common interests that are mandatory for the creation of a common economic system; can be the seed from which a wider and deeper community can be born between countries long opposed to each other through a bloody division.

By uniting the main proceedings and creating the new Supreme Body, whose decisions will be binding on France, Germany and the other member states, this proposal will lead to the laying of the foundations of a European federation necessary for the preservation of peace.

To support the achievement of the objectives, the French government is ready to start negotiations based on the following.

The task of the Supreme Authority will be to ensure the modernization of the production and the increase of its quality in the shortest possible time; supplying the French and German markets, as well as the markets of the other member countries, with coal and steel under the same conditions; the general development of exports to other countries; the equalization and improvement of the living conditions of workers in these sectors.

In order to achieve these goals, starting from the very different levels at which production is currently in the Member States, we propose the introduction of some transitional measures - such as the use of a production and investment plan, the creation of a compensatory mechanism for equalizing prices and a fund for restructuring to facilitate the rationalization of production. The movement of coal and steel between Member States will immediately be free of any duties and transport costs will not differ. Gradually, conditions will be created that will spontaneously lead to a more rational distribution of production at the highest level of productivity.

Unlike international cartels, which impose restrictive distribution and exploitation practices on national markets and aim to maintain high profits, the organization will ensure the merging of markets and the expansion of production.

The basic principles and measures defined above will be included in a treaty signed by the parties and proposed for ratification by their parliaments. Negotiations necessary to clarify the details of the implementation will be conducted with the help of an arbitrator appointed by mutual consent. His task will be to monitor whether the agreements reached correspond to the stated principles and, in case of impasse, to determine what decision should be taken.

The General Supreme Body entrusted with the administration of the scheme will be composed of independent persons appointed by the Governments, and their representation will be equal. A chairman will be elected by common agreement of the governments. The authority's decisions will be binding in France, Germany and other member states. Corresponding measures will be taken for ways of appealing the body's decisions.

The body will be accompanied by an accredited representative of the United Nations, who will prepare a biannual report to the United Nations on the work of the new organization, especially as regards adherence to its goals.

The institution of the Supreme Authority will in no way predetermine the methods of ownership of enterprises. In the performance of its functions, the Supreme Authority will take into account the powers of the International Ruhr Authority and all obligations imposed on Germany while they are in force.

Today, the European Union is a political and economic union between 27 European countries. Bulgaria has been a member of the EU since January 1, 2007.