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German economic edition: Bulgaria is economically ready to accept the euro, the problem is corruption

"Wirtschaftsvohe" believes that the constant rise in property prices is inflating inflation in the country

Май 8, 2024 16:33 96

German economic edition: Bulgaria is economically ready to accept the euro, the problem is corruption  - 1

Bulgaria wants to become the 21st member of the eurozone next year. The country is well prepared economically, but not yet politically and institutionally. This is written by the German economic publication "Wirtschaftsvohe" in an analysis dedicated to our country's efforts to join the currency union, quoted by BTA.

The publication points to Bulgaria's good economic indicators, recalling the example of Croatia's accession to the Eurozone, which managed to find a solution to this problem, in relation to high inflation. The author of the article, Zilke Wettach, notes, however, the role of the bubble in real estate prices for inflation, which, according to her, should be analyzed carefully.

The publication points to institutional weaknesses and corruption as the main problems for our country's accession to the Eurozone.