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Atanas Atanasov: Denkov's otherwise successful government sometimes acted timidly

We will not fight to survive these elections, we will fight to continue the change in Bulgaria, said the DSB leader

Май 8, 2024 21:12 95

Atanas Atanasov: Denkov's otherwise successful government sometimes acted timidly  - 1

We will not fight to survive these elections elections, we will fight for the change to continue in Bulgaria, so that we can firmly step on the European path of our country and, of course, solve a number of problems that have an internal political aspect for Bulgarian citizens.

This was stated in the BNT studio by the leader of the DSB and co-chairman of the PG of the PP-DB Atanas Atanasov.

Atanasov admitted that a part of the electorate is disappointed with the government in assembly.

"Yes, there are people disappointed by our participation in the government, but I hope that this month they will hear us for what we have done in this way. Some of the goals we set for ourselves could not be achieved. At the same time, there was a heavy adversarial war going on against us, there was resistance from our partners, from GERB, who supported the government.

Part of the goals that should have been achieved, due to sabotage, were not achieved, and I will give you an example. Bulgaria did not receive the second tranche under the PVA, because 4 more bills had to be adopted, in addition to the one that was adopted, and all four were not adopted precisely because of sabotage by the partners.

All these bills are related to the fight against corruption. Staffing of the new anti-corruption commission had to be started, the Whistleblower Law and two other laws had to be adopted."

"It was a question of a de facto coalition in this administration, but in a coalition there are always contradictions and that should not surprise anyone."

Atanasov also pointed out mistakes in the management of the Denkov office.

"The otherwise successful Denkov government sometimes acted timidly. There were many cases in which precisely because of stated resistance from our partners, certain goals were not achieved. It was necessary to act much bolder. The government and especially Academician Denkov were well organized and motivated people, but much more courage was needed."